Guangzhou Daily News (all-media reporter Zhang Lu) The state's multiple ministries and commissions have joined forces to ensure supply and stabilize prices, and pork stocks are welcoming a rebound.

On June 28, pork stocks rose collectively.

In the sector, Aonong Bio, Xinwufeng, Tianbang shares daily limit, Zhengbang Technology, Muyuan shares, Tiankang Biotechnology, etc. rose by more than 7%, only ST Saiwei, Delis, Tianyu Ecological three stocks in the sector closed green .

As of the close, the pork sector rose 4.26%.

  On June 28, the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission announced that, according to the monitoring of the National Development and Reform Commission, from June 21 to 25, the national average pig-to-food ratio was 4.90:1.

In accordance with the "Improving the Government Pork Reserve Regulation Mechanism and Doing a Good Job in Maintaining Supply and Stabilizing Prices in the Pork Market" jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration of Market Supervision, it has entered the first-level warning zone for excessive decline (Less than 5:1), the central and local governments will start the purchasing and storage of pork reserves.

  Previously, in order to better play the role of government pork reserve regulation, effectively alleviate the cyclical fluctuations in live pig and pork market prices, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly issued the "Improve the Government’s Pork Reserve Regulation Mechanism and Ensure the Stable Supply of the Pork Market" The “Pricing Work Plan” clearly puts forward a series of work arrangements around the promotion of monitoring and early warning, reserve adjustment, and policy coordination.

  The Agricultural and Forestry team of Industrial Securities stated in the agricultural medium-term strategy that the profitability of listed companies in the pig sector is currently divided.

The sector is facing in-depth adjustments. At present, the average market value of listed companies is at a relatively bottom, and subsequent leading targets are expected to welcome valuation restoration.