
Pork prices dropped by 50%!

Some farmers are panic listing, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is an important reminder →

  According to the latest data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in the third week of June, the national live pig price was 15.13 yuan per kilogram, down 6.8% from last week and down 50.9% year-on-year.

  Apart from the increase in supply, are there other reasons for the decline in the price of live pigs?

How should farmers respond to price declines?

  According to reports, one reason for the continuous decline in live pig prices is the increase in production and supply. In May, the national live pig inventory increased by 23.5% year-on-year, and it has returned to near normal levels.

In addition, there are also factors that cause panic listings due to price drops.

  Xin Guochang, the second-level inspector of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Some pig farmers have panic-stricken slaughter, which has created a squeeze effect or stampede effect on the market, and the price of pigs has dropped faster.

It is recommended that you do not panic and arrange the production structure rationally. During this period, it is necessary to shift from increasing production to improving quality and efficiency.

  Xin Guochang said that survival of the fittest is the rule of the market. In May, the loss of pig farming nationwide was 9.7%. Some excellent farms can control the cost within 6 yuan per catty, which shows that they can make money even when the market is not good.

At this stage, pig farmers can pay attention to the live pig production and market data released on the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in a timely manner, and order production according to the normal production plan. Don't panic when prices are falling, let alone listen to rumors, and arrange production with a gambling mentality.

In addition, it can speed up the elimination of low-capacity breeding sows and increase the feed conversion rate to enhance market competitiveness.

  Xin Guochang, second-level inspector of the Bureau of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: For example, when the market supply was tight, many pig farmers kept the three yuan fat pig sows as breeding pigs. Its production efficiency was relatively low. At this stage, everyone These low-efficiency sows can be eliminated, so the breeding efficiency may be better and the cost will be reduced.

  According to Xin Guochang, some pig farmers have begun to "replace quality for quantity" and speed up the elimination of low-capacity breeding sows.

According to the monitoring of designated slaughter companies, from January to May this year, 3.454 million reproductive sows were eliminated across the country, a year-on-year increase of 108%.

The breeding structure of breeding sows has been optimized, and the proportion of fat pigs retained has dropped from 22% at the end of last year to about 12%.