<Anchor> In response

to the Democratic Party's decision to change the tax target to the top 2%, civic groups criticized it as a tax cut for the rich. Another problem was that the taxpayer could change from year to year.

On the sidewalk, this is Hwa Kang-yun, a reporter.


Based on the published price this year, the number of apartments exceeding 900 million won is 520,000 households, which is 3.7% of the total apartment houses.

If you narrow down the taxpayers of the 1st household and 1 homeowner to the top 2%, about 89,000 people will be excluded from the taxation.

Some civic groups opposed the Democratic Party's decision, calling it a 'rich tax cut'.

[Gimyongwon / Solidarity for Participatory Democracy tax financial reform centers: geotyiji was indignant because of the impossible to buy due to the right too much (not a thing), making a lot of house prices, I anger be more me taxes -

Democrats co-end of April each year When announcing the published price of a house, it was proposed to disclose the price corresponding to the top 2% and to determine the exact target on June 1, the base date of the property tax. expected.

It is against the tax law principle that the taxation requirements should be made clear when tax is imposed.

[Hong Ki-yong/Professor at Incheon National University (President of Korea Taxpayers Federation): It is thought that legal stability and predictability are undermined because we do not know well whether we are taxpayers until the time of taxation.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance, which has to revise the actual tax law, is also in a negative situation with the tax reform plan for reasons of policy consistency, so it is expected that it will take a lot of pain until it is passed by the National Assembly.

(Video editing: Kim Jin-won)