Chinanews client, Beijing, June 16 (Reporter Xie Yiguan) Quantum skin care products, quantum health products, quantum beauty devices, quantum insoles, quantum water cups, quantum glasses, quantum pendants, quantum underwear... In order to meet consumer demand, the market has Some so-called "quantum products" with labels such as "high-tech" and "health" have emerged.

A screenshot of the "Quantum Glasses" advertisement posted on a company's official website.

  These products often claim to have relatively powerful functions, such as "improving and relieving various diseases of the body", "opening up the internal circulation", or superimposing "quantum energy", "negative ions" and "terahertz" and other concepts that sound very tall.

  But is there such a magical effect?

On the 16th, the China Consumers Association issued a consumer reminder that the so-called "quantum products" are "pseudo-technology" and the magical effects are false propaganda.

  The China Consumers Association pointed out that academician Pan Jianwei, executive vice president of the University of Science and Technology of China, academician Guo Guangcan, director of the Key Laboratory of Quantum Information of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Tang Shibiao, deputy chief engineer of the National Shield Quantum Technology Co., Ltd., all said that at present, quantum technology is mainly used Quantum communication, quantum computing and quantum precision measurement and other fields.

Because quantum technology has very demanding requirements on the experimental environment, the economic cost is relatively high, and it is difficult to be widely used in the civilian field. At present, all those under the banner of "quantum + daily necessities" are generally hype concepts and deceit.

  In fact, some consumers who have purchased so-called "quantum products" also said that they did not have the claimed effects after using them.

  For example, Mr. Wang, a consumer from Mianchi County, Sanmenxia City, Henan Province, bought a hydrogen quantum footbath for 300 yuan in February 2021, claiming to be able to discharge body toxins, but there was no effect after use. Finally, under the mediation of Mianchi County Consumer Association The product was returned; Shanghai consumer Mr. Yang bought a quantum mattress for 40,000 yuan in 2018. The merchant claimed that the mattress could treat low back pain, but after using it for a period of time, Mr. Yang found no effect. Report to the market supervision department.

  "It can be seen that the current so-called'quantum products' on the market are not worthy of the truth, and the magical effects in advertisements are also suspected of false propaganda." Those who violate the rules of business operations and are suspected of crimes will be transferred to the public security organs.

  The China Consumers Association urges relevant business operators to strictly abide by the "Consumer Rights Protection Law", "Advertising Law", "Anti-Unfair Competition Law" and other legal provisions, and to meet consumer demand for quality consumption by effectively improving the quality of products and services, instead of Deceive consumers through "mirages" created by "pseudo-technology" gimmicks and false propaganda. At the same time, it calls on relevant e-commerce platforms to effectively assume the supervision and management responsibilities of the platform, thoroughly clean up illegal and illegal "quantum products" sold on the platform, purify the ecology of the online shopping market, and create a safe and secure consumption environment. (Finish)