Nearly 5 million housing units are said to be social in France.

Intended for the less well-off households, they are allocated subject to means-tested.

However, a change in family or professional situation can cause the ceiling to be exceeded overnight.

From the application of a surloyer ...

Take the case of a couple with a child.

In 2021, this household must display a reference tax income of less than 33,670 euros in the region to claim housing financed by a rental loan for social use (PLUS), against a ceiling of 20,203 euros to access "very" housing. social, that is to say financed by an integration-assisted rental loan (PLAI).

Once in place, this household will have to respond to the annual resource survey distributed during the second semester.

And if ever the information indicated shows an excessively large increase in income, beyond 20% of the income ceiling imposed, tenants will be subject to a solidarity rent supplement (SLS) from January 1 of the following year. .

Please note: failure to respond to this survey for two consecutive years exposes you to the termination of your social lease in a tight zone.

Please note that to avoid any problem, you can update your file directly online on the official website.

At the deprivation of HLM

While it is estimated that 10% of households residing in social housing exceed the income limits, half of them by more than 30%, the government has also decided to stimulate mobility in the HLM stock by further restricting the right to remain in the premises.

Since 2018, managers can terminate the lease of a tenant residing in a tight zone (Abis, A or B1) as soon as the resource survey shows, for the second consecutive year, that his income is greater than 1.5 times the ceiling set to obtain social housing (called social rental loan housing).

In this case, it will be necessary to have left the premises within 18 months.

In the 6 months preceding this term, the occupant will receive by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt the notification of the date on which the accommodation must be vacated.

The only way to escape this expulsion: to justify a further drop in income to return below the allocation ceiling or reach 65 years.

Note that under the Élan law of 2018, social landlords must re-examine the situation of tenants living in tense areas every 3 years, in order to ensure that they still meet the occupancy conditions of their home.


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Protected tenants

If the maintenance in the places knows several limitations, one of the founding principles of the social park has however been preserved for certain particularly fragile public:

  • Priority neighborhoods: people residing in social housing located in an area classified as a “priority district of city policy” do not have to pay any additional rent or leave the home, regardless of the increase in the amount. recorded income.

  • Age and disability: tenants aged 65 or over also retain their right to remain in the premises but still have to pay an additional rent when their income exceeds the income limit by 20%.

    The same applies to tenants with disabilities or with dependents for a person with a disability.

  • HLM

  • Economy

  • Housing

  • Rights

  • Solidarity