The total number of companies that went bankrupt due to the effects of the new coronavirus has reached 1,600 since February last year.

According to the research company, sales in areas where emergency declarations have been declared continue to decline, especially in restaurants, and bankruptcies may increase in the future.

According to the summary of "Teikoku Databank", companies that went bankrupt due to bankruptcy due to the influence of the new coronavirus, and companies that stopped their business and started preparations for legal reorganization, including sole proprietors From February to 14th last year, the total number of companies has reached 1,600.

By industry,

▽ "restaurants" accounted for the largest number at 265 companies, followed by

▽ "construction and construction business" at 155 companies,

▽ "hotels and inns" at 92 companies, and

▽ "food wholesalers" at 81 companies. I am.

In the month of bankruptcy, March was the largest with 182 companies, followed by April with 172 companies and last month with 135 companies, but in areas where a state of emergency has been declared, etc. Sales continue to decline, especially at restaurants, and bankruptcies may increase in the future.

According to Teikoku Databank, "With the bankruptcy of restaurants, there is a tendency for the bankruptcy of the" construction and construction business ", which undertakes repairs, interior decoration, and electrical work, to increase in tandem."