Be rational about the "post-college entrance examination economy"

Dai Xianren

  The 2021 college entrance examination is coming to an end at sunset, which also means that the "college entrance examination economy" enters the second half.

It is conceivable that the huge consumer group of fresh graduates and the ultra-long summer vacation of nearly three months will bring a wave of consumption peaks to industries such as electronics, tourism, catering, and driving school training.

  The "post-college entrance examination economy" is not all business hype, it does have a strong market demand.

After the intense preparation for the college entrance examination, the candidates have a need to relax, and the parents also hope that the children will have a good rest and will try their best to meet the legitimate needs of the children.

Moreover, most senior high school graduates are adults, and parents will be relatively more assured to let their children buy and do things on their own.

  Businesses will naturally not let go of such good business opportunities.

After the college entrance examination in previous years, major travel websites will launch travel packages that can participate in group purchases with admission tickets to capture the consumer group of "high school seniors".

Major driving schools will also launch learn-to-car packages for senior third-year graduates, and open up a “green channel for learning to drive” to ensure that senior third-year graduates can go to school as soon as possible to attract as many students as possible.

  Nevertheless, consumption in the "post-college entrance examination economy" should also remain rational.

Senior three graduates have just grown up and have insufficient social experience and need to prevent fraud by unscrupulous businesses.

For example, in the face of relevant consumer demand, some businesses fish in troubled waters and conduct false propaganda; some consumption is not necessary or there are safety risks, such as plastic surgery, and some plastic surgery institutions do not even have the corresponding qualifications.

  Therefore, at this time, parents should also help children distinguish between true and false, guide them to consume rationally, not blindly consume, avoid extravagance and waste, and pay attention to safety issues.

Schools still need to follow up and strengthen education guidance and remind students to consume rationally.

Regulatory authorities should also strengthen market supervision of the "post-college entrance examination economy", standardize market order, and protect consumers' rights and interests.

In short, behind the "post-college entrance examination economy" there are educational problems, especially the educational guidance of consumption concepts and values.

In a nutshell, play needs a degree and consumption needs to be rational.

  Dai Xianren