Tesla is developing an online data platform, and consumers’ “data rights” should be respected

  ■ Observer

  Respecting consumers' "data rights" is also protecting Tesla's long-term interests.

  On May 6, Tesla insiders revealed that the company is developing an online information system platform for vehicle owners to query vehicle back-end data and vehicle-machine interaction data on their own.

It is also reported that Tesla's US official website has recently launched the event data recorder EDR query software, but it is currently only open in North America.

  "Uncompromising" Tesla made a compromise decision on both sides of the Pacific, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

And what prompted Tesla to make this major improvement measure was the supervision of hot controversies by government departments and public opinion.

  Earlier, the rights protection incident at the Shanghai Auto Show aroused people's attention to "data rights."

Coincidentally, before this incident, Texas also triggered a "data battle" between the local police and Tesla due to a security incident controversy.

  As far as the rights protection incidents have caused controversy, there is still no clear conclusion.

However, government departments and public opinion supervision have played a positive role.

With the launch of the data platform, when similar disputes occur in the future, the processing process will be smoother, clearer, and more credible.

This is undoubtedly conducive to protecting consumer rights, and it is also beneficial to Tesla.

  Looking back on this rights defense incident, after Tesla handed over the data and data reports to the car owners involved, the authenticity of the data was still widely questioned.

  If Tesla had previously completed the online data platform and improved the data collection, storage and analysis mechanism, it would not have such a result.

Respecting consumers' "data rights" and using a fair, reasonable, efficient and transparent mechanism to win the trust of the market actually protects Tesla's long-term interests.

  This time, after the controversy between China and the United States, Tesla's stock price plummeted, which is the result of the spread of doubts about its quality in the market.

And Tesla's determination to launch a data platform online can be regarded as a remedy.

  In the first quarter of 2021, on the global new energy vehicle sales list, among the top five sales models, Tesla occupied the first and third places.

However, whether the good momentum can continue in the second quarter is closely related to the follow-up impact of the controversial event.

At this time, Tesla announced the launch of the data platform, which is very helpful to eliminate the negative impact of the incident and enhance the corporate image.

  Of course, the online data platform is not enough to solve the public's "data anxiety". Only on the basis of the online data platform and the introduction of third-party supervision can the people be trusted to the greatest extent.

Moreover, this should also be a "patch" that the entire new energy vehicle industry should apply.

  From a realistic point of view, the country has also been prepared for this.

According to reports, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers released a blockchain platform for trusted record of automobile data before the "May 1st", which will be able to provide related services to member companies for free from now on.

This move is of vital importance to the development of the entire industry, and it can avoid the controversial incident that "speaks publicly and the mother-in-law is reasonable" from the source.

  All in all, the controversy caused by the Shanghai Auto Show's rights protection incident prompted companies to improve relevant mechanisms and promoted industry associations to play a supervisory role. It is an excellent case of public opinion supervision to promote social progress.

Let consumers' "data rights" land and ensure that consumers' rights and interests are truly guaranteed, which should undoubtedly be the right direction of this incident.

  □Guan Buyu (Columnist)