Over the past year, the number of vacancies with the possibility of a hybrid work schedule in Russia has more than tripled (by 207%).

Such data were presented to RT by specialists of the Avito Rabota analytical center.

According to the company, most often employers publish offers with partially remote employment mode for students and young people with no experience.

Mostly we are talking about such professions as a courier or an operator of a remote call center, which do not require qualifications and presence at a stationary workplace.

Artyom Kumpel, managing director of Avito Rabota, told RT about this.

“Then there are the groups of professions“ Automotive business ”(9%) and“ Sales ”(6%), in which specialists can also perform most tasks remotely from the workplace.

The first group includes, for example, on-site auto mechanics, and the second - sales managers, realtors and consultants of online stores, ”added the specialist.

The largest number of vacancies with a combined work schedule are posted in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Both cities account for more than 11% and 7%, respectively, of the total number of such proposals in Russia.

Speaking of dynamics, over the past year, the number of vacant jobs with partial telecommuting has grown the most in Yekaterinburg (+ 366%), Krasnodar (+ 302%) and Krasnoyarsk (+ 297%).

The growing popularity of this type of employment is partly due to the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, said Anastasia Uskova, CEO of the Rocket Work platform.

According to her, against the background of the quarantine restrictions over the past year, employers managed to establish processes of interaction with personnel in a new format.

“As recent studies show, the shift to partial telecommuting did not affect labor productivity in any way.

In addition, the companies were able to optimize the cost of renting premises and organizing jobs.

Offices are often reformatted into a coworking format, where employees meet to exchange ideas and discuss projects, but current tasks may well be performed at home at the computer, "Uskova said in a conversation with RT.

According to Avito Rabota's estimates, over the year, Russians' interest in partial distance away grew by 64%.

Most often, such work began to look for specialists in the field of beauty (demand increased by 457%), education (+ 277%) and IT (+ 244%).

A noticeable increase in indicators is also recorded by the specialists of the SuperJob service.

As RT was told in the company, the number of applicants applying for remote or combined work has doubled compared to the pre-crisis values ​​of April 2019.

“Among job seekers, the hybrid schedule is gaining momentum, as it allows you to effectively build a balance between work and personal affairs.

This has a positive effect on the satisfaction of employees with the working conditions and on their motivation, ”says Anastasia Uskova.

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Note that on January 1, 2021, a law regulating remote work came into force in Russia.

According to the document, the fulfillment of his duties by an employee remotely can occur on an ongoing basis (during the entire duration of the employment contract) or temporarily, that is, continuously for up to six months.

The law also provides for the alternation of retirement and employment at a stationary workplace.

The initiative helps to protect the rights of both parties to the employment contract and helps to understand the intricacies of the new form of employment.

Pavel Utkin, leading lawyer of the Parfenon United Legal Center, told about this to RT.

“There are provisions in the law that an employee is not obliged to interact with his superiors at inopportune hours.

Moreover, the management can reimburse the employee for utility costs during the period of work from home - the cost of electricity and the Internet.

With guarantees, people will be more willing to agree to a hybrid schedule that is beneficial for both employees and employers, ”Utkin emphasized.

Moreover, the demand for hybrid employment in Russia will continue to grow with the general digitalization of the economy and the development of modern technologies, says Artyom Deev, head of the analytical department at AMarkets.

In his opinion, partial remote control will be actively implemented in the banking sector, consulting, accounting services and other industries where it is possible to serve customers without the constant presence of an employee at the workplace.

“Today people can work anywhere, anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer and modern communication facilities. In addition, citizens' interest in hybrid employment will be fueled by the desire of employees to live not in a metropolis, but closer to nature and save time and money on trips to the office, ”the expert concluded.