To curb the high incidence of telecommunications network fraud crimes——

  Governance of the Internet Black and Gray Industry

  Our reporter Qian Qingni Guo Ziyuan

  In the context of the rapid development of information networks, telecommunications network fraud has become the fastest-growing criminal crime that seriously affects the people's sense of security.

How to effectively curb telecommunications network fraud?

Where is the breakthrough?

How to protect consumer financial information security?

Focusing on these topics of concern to consumers, the reporter interviewed relevant people and industry experts.

  Strictly prevent and crack down on the Internet industry

  Since 2020, affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the Internet is accelerating its integration into the daily lives of residents, and there have been some new changes and new characteristics in telecommunications network fraud.

For example, the shift from phone and SMS fraud to online fraud has led to a rapid increase in the proportion of online fraud cases.

While criminals can commit telecommunications network fraud, the network black and gray industry plays the role of "accomplice".

  The network black and gray industry refers to the industrial chain that provides material supply, technical support, drainage promotion, and fund settlement for network crimes.

Among them, the materials are criminal materials and technical tools, such as ID cards, bank cards, USB shields, mobile phone cards and other "four-piece sets"; technical support is to provide illegal website source code, network technology platforms, network account registration services and system maintenance, Update and upgrade services; promotion and drainage refers to connecting with the victim group through the Internet, using words to pull the head, and then pushing it to criminal groups such as fraud or gambling; fund settlement is to provide a channel and platform for payment of stolen money obtained by criminals, such as using Money laundering and payment in the form of running points, fourth-party payment, etc.

  Therefore, to curb the high incidence of telecommunications network fraud crimes, we must strictly prevent and crack down on the black industry.

  The key to strictly preventing and cracking down on the Internet industry is to ensure the security of personal financial information and data.

According to incomplete statistics, the current black and gray industry fraud is mainly divided into three categories: profit-making, threatening, and caring.

"These three types are all telecommunications network frauds that evolve from user data leakage, and the consequences will directly affect the entire industry chain." 360 Digital Information Security Expert Wu Yechao said that the Internet financial industry information is common, and once there is a third-party organization The leakage of user information will affect the entire industry.

  "Black and gray industrial governance and the protection of personal privacy complement each other, but there are still some difficulties to be solved. Data sharing is the breakthrough to solve the difficulties. In fact, collaborative governance has become an important direction for establishing a data safe harbor." Chinese Academy of Social Sciences University Internet Said Liu Xiaochun, executive director of the Rule of Law Research Center.

  Build a systematic and complete rule of law system

  With the iteration and evolution of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies in the financial field, finance has become one of the fields with the largest amount of data generated and accumulated and the richest data types.

"The purpose of maintaining financial information security is to maintain the stability of financial order, which is conducive to improving economic efficiency, protecting consumers' rights and interests and macro-prudential supervision." said Hong Yanqing, a professor at Beijing Institute of Technology.

  To curb telecommunications network fraud, not only a strong crackdown is required, but also a systematic and complete rule of law system must be established.

  At present, relevant laws and regulations are constantly being promulgated to accelerate the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers.

For example, the "Civil Code", "Network Security Law", "Personal Financial Information Protection Technical Specifications", and the "Personal Information Protection Law" under review all involve personal information data governance.

  "At the legislative level, the protection of personal information is a dynamic process that needs to be resolved by industry and by field." A few days ago, a seminar on "Financial Personal Information Protection and Black Industry Governance" hosted by the Internet Rule of Law Research Center of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences At the meeting, Fang Yu, director of the Internet Law Research Center of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, said.

  Maximum protection of user rights

  As the People's Bank of China and other four departments have made clear requirements for the rectification of the Internet financial industry, breaking the information monopoly and establishing an information sharing platform has become a consensus, which also means that the governance of the black and gray industry is gradually deepening.

In this process, not only the financial industry needs to actively improve its own information governance, but it also requires the joint construction of public security, procuratorate, administrative departments, and academia to maintain financial information security and maximize the protection of users' rights and interests.

  From the perspective of industry insiders, data governance must handle the relationship between technological innovation and the market, consumer protection, commercial interests, and public interests.

At the same time, more consensus must be gathered from all sectors of society.

  Wu Yechao said that the establishment of an anti-fraud information early warning platform will help the industry better solve the problem of information leakage, and called on the industry to exchange the latest and typical anti-fraud cases to build a secure network information environment.

  Liu Xiaochun believes that individual cases have played a critical role in the judicial and law enforcement process and can help improve the rules.

  However, there are still different opinions on the protection of personal information in litigation.

In this regard, Sun Mingxi, president of the third division of the Beijing Internet Court's comprehensive trial, said that whether personal information constitutes privacy is determined according to the specific usage scenarios in the case when the judicial precedent determines it.

"Personal information protection also needs to be layered on top of the hard protection standards. The first level is the private information that everyone agrees, such as genetic information, disease history, undisclosed illegal and criminal records, etc. The second level is based on The use of personal information by specific products and personal wishes determine whether it constitutes privacy infringement information in a case."

  In addition, financial consumers should also take the initiative to protect their financial information.

Promote "three nos, one more and two don't do", "three nos" refers to not clicking on unknown links, unfaithful calls from unfamiliar calls, and not revealing personal information; "one more" refers to more verification of transfers and remittances; "two nos" refers to Don't be the victim of a scam, don't be an accomplice of a liar.

  Our reporter Qian Qingni Guo Ziyuan