
Bitcoin price, which once exceeded 80 million won last week, has dropped to 50 million won today. Most of the other cryptocurrencies have plummeted as you can see in most prices. Someone said how much they earned, and if they scam, it immediately rises.There are a lot of people these days who jump into cryptocurrency just listening to these words.In fact, when a virtual currency was introduced on a YouTube broadcast a few days ago, the price increased by more than 3 times and then immediately halved. I also did this. Obviously, the people who bought it belatedly suffered a loss, and somebody in the back was suspicious of manipulating the price, but the problem is that there is no way to reveal it.

This is reporter Jeong Da-eun.

<Reporter> This

is a video from a YouTuber with 190,000 subscribers on the 19th.

Introducing a virtual currency called'district 0x', saying that it is a coin that will bring money even in a bearish market.

[Virtual currency YouTuber: It is not interested in the public enough to be listed on 22 exchanges around the world, but it has been quite recognized by various exchanges around the world... .] If

you approach mid-term investment, it is okay and encourages the purchase.

[Virtual currency YouTuber: It means that it is rising while drawing a typical upward trend or a cascading rise.]

This is an unfamiliar coin that did not have a lot of transactions in Korea, but the price jumped widely with this broadcast.

At 2:20 pm, the price started to rise, and in just 10 minutes, it surged more than three times.

But 10 minutes after hitting the peak, the price was cut in half again.

In the end, there were comments saying that they believed in the words of YouTube and lost money after buying them, and even a reaction came out with suspicion of market price manipulation.

[Jong-in Lim/Professor, Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University: When people talk about it (with a large number of subscribers), it has a huge impact. But do those people take legal responsibility later? (Even if there's a problem) That person didn't know that he wasn't aware. If it rains like this... .] Even if there

is a lot of video suggesting that virtual currency is recommended online, investors should be careful because there is no way to block or punish the current law even if the market is suspicious of manipulation.

(Video coverage: Kim Hyeonsang, video editing: Wonhee Won)  

▶ If you omit the virtual currency white paper and important information, delete it if it is disadvantageous.