Toyota Motor Corporation has decided to release a car equipped with new functions that can automatically update the software that moves the car using communication and improve the performance that supports driving.

According to the announcement, Toyota Motor will introduce a new model equipped with a new function that automatically updates the software that moves the car using communication in two models, the sedan of the luxury car brand "Lexus" and the fuel cell vehicle "MIRAI". It will be on sale from the beginning of this month.

It is similar to a smartphone updating basic software using communication, which means improving the performance of a driving support system that supports the operation of the steering wheel and brakes so that cars do not collide with each other.

This is the first time Toyota has installed such a mechanism, and we hope to introduce it to other models in the future.

"Updates will improve functionality over time and provide value over time," James Kafner, CDO-Chief Digital Officer, said in an online press conference.

The emerging American manufacturer "Tesla" has already released a car equipped with a software update function, and the development of a new service that improves performance without replacing the car is likely to expand in the future.