The IMF (International Monetary Fund) has revised its outlook for the growth rate of the global economy as a whole to + 6.0%, 0.5 points higher than the forecast three months ago.

In addition to the spread of the new coronavirus vaccine, the background is the large-scale economic measures in the United States.

The IMF released its latest outlook for the global economy yesterday, predicting that the overall growth rate for this year will turn from minus 3.3% last year to plus 6.0%.

Compared to the previous outlook three months ago, this is an upward revision of 0.5 points.

The biggest factor is the United States, which is expected to have the effect of the 200 trillion yen economies of scale newly established under the Biden administration in addition to the spread of vaccines, and the growth rate is predicted to be 6.4%, which is 1.3 points higher than the previous time. ..

The US economy saw record negative growth last year, but is expected to recover to pre-infection levels during this time.

In addition, China, which is promoting the normalization of economic activities as the first to contain the spread of infection, is expected to be 8.4%, which is 0.3 points higher than the previous time.

In addition, the spread of vaccines such as Japan's small upward revision of 0.2 points was 3.3%, Germany's small upward revision of 0.1 points was 3.6%, while the United Kingdom was 0.8 points higher at 5.3%. There were variations depending on the infection status of the mutant virus.

On top of that, the IMF says that in many countries the economy will return to pre-infection levels after next year, and warns that poverty rates and income inequality may widen as the economy recovers. I will.