Is the home beauty instrument really useful?

  Lifting and thinning the face, removing wrinkles and becoming younger are things that many people dream of.

Home beauty devices ranging from a few hundred yuan to tens of thousands of yuan have quickly become a popular Internet celebrity product because they claim to be able to use different photoelectric effects to solve various skin aging problems and meet the needs of consumers for home beauty.

But what about the effect and safety performance of the beauty equipment necessary for the home of beauty lovers?

  In this regard, Gu Yu, deputy director of the First Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Skin) of the First People’s Hospital of Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang, introduced that the common principle in beauty instrument products is to use ultra-high frequency ultrasonic vibration to penetrate deep into the skin to decompose excess keratin and dirt, thereby promoting Metabolism, improve blood circulation, and rejuvenate the skin.

For safety reasons, the power of the home beauty instrument is not very strong, and it will not cause trauma, so it can not achieve significant results.

  "The ultrasound technology, ion technology, and professional words such as blue light and red light promoted by the merchants have successfully attracted many consumers." Gu Yu said that these technologies are widely used in medical cosmetology, and in principle, they are not too much. Big problem.

But not everyone can use beauty equipment, sensitive skin, pregnant women, just finished fruit acid peeling, water light acupuncture and other medical beauty items, and people with skin repairing are not recommended to use it.

  According to Gu Yu, there is a layer of sebum on the surface of human skin, which acts as a barrier to the skin, which can resist harmful substances from the outside from entering the skin, and at the same time prevent the loss of water and electrolytes from the body through the epidermis.

The stratum corneum of the skin is a poor conductor of electricity, and has a certain resistance to low currents, so that the dermis and subcutaneous fat tissues are protected from electrical damage, and the stratum corneum has the function of preventing mechanical damage.

Therefore, the effects of these net celebrity beauty instruments are not very accurate, and some advertising words may not match them, and long-term use may also cause skin pores to increase.

  In addition, there are gaps in individualized guidance information such as self-assessment of skin quality and reasonable grasp of the frequency of use of home beauty equipment. It is impossible to take targeted measures for different types of skin. "For example, some home beauty equipment uses heat stimulation to tighten the skin, but For dry skin, thermal stimulation will accelerate the loss of moisture in the skin and increase the dryness of dry skin. If there is no awareness of hydrating and repairing, it may bring new problems." Gu Yu said that every anti-aging technology has a use interval. The problem is that too much use can cause damage to the skin.

If the beauty device is not used correctly for a long time, it will destroy the sebum film on the skin surface, thereby destroying the skin surface barrier and causing skin inflammation. Inflammation will further weaken the skin barrier function and form a vicious circle, and skin problems such as allergies and dermatitis will occur.

  Gu Yu suggested that consumers with beauty needs should first go to a hospital dermatology department for examination to see which aspects of their skin need improvement, and then consider whether to purchase related products according to their different needs.

  Wu Duosi