Responding to an aging population——

Long-term care insurance makes disabled elderly people more at ease

  Our reporter Li Chenyang

  This year's "Government Work Report" pointed out that the combination of medical care, health care and health care should be promoted, and the pilot program of long-term care insurance should be steadily promoted.

The long-term care insurance was piloted in 2016. It is a social insurance system that focuses on the basic care service needs of severely disabled elderly people who have been insured for a long time. It is also known as the “sixth insurance” of social insurance. ".

  In the first batch of pilot cities, Chengdu, starting from January 1 this year, all persons participating in basic medical insurance can apply for long-term care insurance without additional payment, and severely disabled persons can receive a monthly subsidy of up to 903 yuan.

In fact, the country has piloted long-term care insurance in 49 cities, covering nearly 120 million insured persons.

  Wei Li, director of the Insurance Department of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with a reporter from the Economic Daily that at present, some of the long-term care insurance pilot areas are covered by urban workers and some covered by urban workers and urban and rural residents. Basically, they take care of themselves. , Basic life-related medical care is the coverage. A small part of the area is provided by the local social security department. Most of the local governments use bidding to purchase the services of commercial insurance companies, and commission commercial insurance companies to undertake local long-term care insurance. Some areas only provide fixed points. Nursing institutions have a single service method, and some implement two alternative methods of home care and institutional care.

  Although the current long-term care insurance pilot area meets the care needs of a large number of disabled persons, "However, from the perspective of long-term care insurance pilots across the country, the care needs assessment system and disability assessment standards urgently need to be unified, professionalized, standardized, and Individualized care plans need to be developed and implemented by professionals." Ma Hui, head of Aixin Life and Long Care Insurance, said that the national long-term care insurance pilot opinions clarify that the population covered by the policy is mainly severely disabled people. In fact, moderately disabled and severely disabled people. Personnel also need professional nursing services, which need to be gradually included in the scope of protection in the future.

  Wei Li believes that long-term care insurance still has problems such as single financing channels and inconsistent standards, and various long-term care service institutions and nursing staff service quality evaluation, agreement management and fee settlement methods also need to be improved.

It is reported that the medical insurance fund is the main source of funding for long-term care insurance in various regions, with relatively small financial support, lack of independent financing channels and clear personal payment requirements.

  "Long-term care insurance should be included in the overall plan for the construction of a multi-level and multi-pillar social security system, and the operating mechanism of long-term care insurance should be standardized from the top-level design, and the operation of long-term care insurance should be regulated and managed in the form of legislation, supplemented by complete supporting policies. Support." Professor Sun Jie from the School of Insurance of the University of International Business and Economics suggested that the role of commercial insurance should be further brought into play and the construction of a multi-level long-term care insurance system should be accelerated.

  According to the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2019, there were 254 million people aged 60 and over in my country, of which more than 40 million were disabled and semi-disabled.

"In fact, long-term care is an unavoidable problem with the aging process. Its social needs are huge and highly differentiated. The commercial care insurance market has an optimistic outlook." Wei Li said that long-term care has special risks and special needs. The main thing is not funds but nursing services. In the process of undertaking long-term care insurance, insurance companies can develop suitable protection products and integrate nursing and other related services into the integrated framework design for individual needs.

  Judging from international experience, some developed countries have gradually formed long-term care insurance systems and made full use of fiscal and taxation support policies in the long-term exploration process to solve the problem of care for the elderly.

It is understood that Japan’s experience in nursing care insurance and the concept of self-reliance support are guided by the concept of nursing prevention, emphasizing the construction of a regional comprehensive nursing care system, establishing comprehensive elderly care institutions and medical care centers in a small area, and providing them in a systematic manner. The nursing care system of housing, medical care, nursing care, prevention, life support and other services to realize a healthy, safe and safe life.

  It is worth noting that the relevant person in charge of the Life Insurance Supervision Department of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission stated that from the current point of view, insurance companies’ participation in the long-term care pilot is still in its infancy, and the content of services is mostly focused on fund payment, audit review, policy publicity, etc. Some companies have also participated in the admission, assessment and training of nursing service institutions, and some places are also promoting insurance companies to take advantage of actuarial advantages, prevent and control risks, and participate in the design of nursing protection schemes, as well as the evaluation of disability conditions, and the construction of information systems. Wait for work.

The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission will strengthen communication and cooperation with the National Medical Insurance Administration, support insurance companies to actively participate in the pilot program of long-term care insurance, and contribute to the challenge of aging in the industry.