Drink water to prevent cancer?

The speaker of "Shenshui Quantum Original Plastic" is misleading: the individual bears the consequences

  Cancer, diabetes and atopic dermatitis, which the world's famous doctors are helpless, can be cured by drinking a 90ml bottle of 990 yuan quantum magnetized "trace element water"?

This incredible scene appeared in Fuzhou, Fujian at the end of August last year.

After the surging news report, it attracted the attention of all parties.

  On March 14, 2021, The Paper learned from the whistleblower Wu Naixin that the Market Supervision Administration of Taijiang District, Fuzhou City, after receiving the report, repeatedly intervened in investigations and responded to it.

Wu Naixin received feedback from the Taijiang District Market Supervision Bureau on the report on Suqi Company.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

  Wu Naixin received feedback from the Taijiang District Market Supervision Bureau on the report on Suqi Company.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee. The bureau’s response to the informant Wu Naixin’s information stated that the law enforcement officers gave lectures on Shenzhen Suqi E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Fuzhou Branch (hereinafter referred to as "Suqi Fuzhou Company"), the lecturer Wei Nengzhong and the company’s principal respectively A transcript of the inquiry and investigation was made, and it was stated that Wei Nengzhong was not an employee of the company, but a user of the company's products, and later became an agent of the company by purchasing the products.

  Earlier, the staff provided the Suqi Fuzhou company with a beautifully produced promotional album that the staff provided to The Paper that Wei Nengzhong was a "corporate executive."

  At the sharing meeting held by the company on August 23, 2020, Wei Nengzhong claimed that the company’s main product is not only “trace element water”, but also magnetized water that has been magnetized by “quantum magnetization technology”. The glaciers in the French Alps naturally permeate water.

"In fact, take the cancer with the highest mortality rate as an example. Most of these modern diseases that plague the contemporary era can be really improved or cured in a short time only by ingesting trace element water."

On stage, he introduced that some people "starved to death" cancer cells within a month by drinking water with trace elements.

  According to the reply of the Taijiang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Wei Nengzhong stated that as a product user, he shared his experience of using the product on stage. The content of the lecture on the day included knowledge of water, the essence of life of trace elements, etc., and he believed that the content was possible The description of the alleged illegality is a verbal error, and the consequences are borne by the individual and have nothing to do with the company.

  Academician Pan Jianwei, a leader in quantum technology in my country and known as the "father of quantum", has repeatedly stated publicly that some manufacturers use the concept of quantum to recommend quantum-packaged health products, "These are almost all fakes. Don't be fooled." Guo Guangcan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and an expert who led the team to fill the gap in the field of quantum optics in my country, uncovered the "quantum scams" in the market in a program.

Academician Guo made it clear that so far, quantum science is still in the research stage, and no quantum product has been sold in the society. Therefore, the "quantum" that can be bought is not quantum.

  Regarding the "quantum" series of products sold by the company, Chen Xueqin, general manager of Shenzhen Suqi Fuzhou branch, said in an interview with The Paper that "quantum" is actually the product name and has nothing to do with "quantum technology" and "quantum magnetization technology".

Quantum Original Plastic (Mineral Drinking Liquid) does not belong to medicines and health products, but belongs to the category of food and beverages.

However, in addition to Wei Nengzhong’s on-site sharing, many employees of the company introduced to The Paper about the use of quantum magnetization technology in their products.

  Law enforcement officers of the Taijiang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau ordered Suqi Fuzhou Company to provide evidence of the recent purchase of products by Wei Nengzhong for further investigation and handling.

At the same time, the law enforcement officers of the Bureau informed the person in charge of the company that the company should abide by the "Advertising Law", "Anti-Unfair Competition Law" and other relevant laws and regulations when conducting business activities such as product promotion.

If the claimant purchases the product, he can return the product without reason within 60 days according to the company's regulations. If related losses are caused, it is recommended to collect evidence and file a civil compensation claim to Wei Nengzhong through the people's court.

  The staff of Suqi Fuzhou Company previously introduced to The Paper that the number of "Franchisees" in the company according to consumption and development is divided into 7 levels-"VIP Customers", "Franchisees", "Special Franchisees", and "Quasi-senior Franchisees". "Senior franchisees" and "Diamond senior franchisees", after becoming a franchisee, every time a offline franchisee develops, they can get different degrees of "subsidies" from the company.

  Regarding Wu Naixin’s report that the company’s business model may involve pyramid schemes, the Taijiang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau stated that it has repeatedly inspected the company’s office premises and inspected the company’s computer data, Suqi’s e-commerce back-end management system, and publicity display walls. Etc., the company’s membership information was retrieved, and the company’s business model did not match the situation explained in the video.

At the same time, the person in charge of the company denied that the company adopted a six-level marketing system.

  The Taijiang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau believes that whether the company's business activities involve pyramid schemes, it needs to be comprehensively determined based on on-site inspections and submitted evidence. It cannot be based solely on videos or pictures, so the case will not be filed for the time being.

  Wu Naixin stated that he will continue to submit evidence to relevant departments to reflect these falsely promoted products under the banner of "quantum".

  Wang Xuanhui, senior reporter of The Paper