Rakuten, a major IT company, will strengthen its mobile phone business by increasing its capital by a total of more than 240 billion yen by receiving investment from Japan Post Holdings and major IT companies in China.

We would like to use the funds obtained from the capital increase for the development of base stations and expand the communication area at an early stage.

Rakuten will increase its capital by more than 240 billion yen in total by receiving investment from Japan Post Holdings, which has a capital and business alliance, Tencent Group, a major IT company in China, and Wal-Mart, a major distribution company in the United States.

Rakuten entered the mobile phone business in April last year, but a large amount of capital investment was required to develop the base station in order to expand the communication area of ​​its own line, and the final deficit for the last year was about 110 billion yen. It was.

For this reason, Rakuten intends to use the funds obtained from the capital increase to improve base stations and expand the communication area at an early stage to compete with major mobile phone companies.

Hiroshi Mikitani, president of Rakuten, told NHK in an interview, "At this stage, we need funds to accelerate growth without stopping. We have decided that accepting large-scale capital has strategic benefits." Said.