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While the pension system is about to evolve, it is more than ever essential to consider additional sources of income to maintain decent purchasing power in this new phase of your life.

In order to help you see more clearly and estimate your future pension, the career statement is a key document.

What are we talking about ?

It is an administrative document that gives you an overview of the rights acquired for your future retirement.

It indicates the number of quarters you have accumulated for your basic pension and summarizes the jobs you have held during your professional life, as well as the salaries used for your monthly contributions.

To obtain information on your supplementary pension, however, you will need to refer to your statement of individual situation.

To view these two documents, all you have to do is create an account on the Lassuranceretraite.fr or Info-retraite.fr site (the two portals are linked), or use your FranceConnect account to access all public services.

Your statement of individual situation will be automatically sent by post every five years from the age of 35, without you having to take any action.

How to correct an error?

A priori

, you do not need to communicate information to the Pension Insurance, this task falling to your employer.

However, if by consulting your career statement, you notice that certain quarters have not been taken into account or that certain data are incorrect, let the organization know as soon as possible, as your future pensions could be affected. .

If the anomaly relates to a period with your current boss, ask them to correct it.

If it is a previous error, you can request an adjustment via your personal online space on the Retirement Insurance website.

You can justify your update request with copies of your pay slips, Pôle Emploi certificates or Social Security statements.


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Understanding everything about retirement benefits

Supplement your income

If, after consulting your career record and making an estimate of your future rights, you are worried about making ends meet, try to put in place alternative solutions as soon as possible to increase your income.

For example, you can invest in stone, a safe bet that will save you the monthly payment of your rent and even, if it is a rental investment, will allow you to supplement your end of the month.

Acquiring shares is also interesting, as long as you are well advised not to make mistakes.

If in doubt, bet on safe values ​​whose rates are not likely to fall sharply.

Remember in any case to save as soon as possible to always have enough to face possible hard knocks.

Finally, note that the combined employment-retirement and progressive retirement schemes can allow you to work longer to improve your future pension.

  • Silver

  • Career

  • Retirement

  • Rights