
Due to Corona 19, we young people are having a harder time than ever due to the reduction of hiring by companies and the downturn in the face-to-face service industry. We have come up with measures to revitalize youth employment.

With Lee Jae-gap, Minister of Employment and Labor, I will find out more details.

Q. Announcement of measures to promote employment...

What is the specific content?

[Lee Jae-gap/Minister of Employment and Labor: The youth employment revitalization plan, on a large scale, contains a piece of information about expanding support in all directions so that companies can hire hiring personnel.

The second is to provide a variety of vocational training to help young people develop the necessary job skills, and the other is to collect and provide the necessary recruitment information to young people, or to strengthen the infrastructure to support job search. It contains one such content.

Measures are prepared with this information, but the amount of financial resources to be invested through this measure is about 1.5 trillion won.

Then, as many as 236,000 young adults can benefit.

Then, at the beginning of the year, at the end of last year, we established the basic youth policy plan and reflected it in this year's budget.

(That's 5,900 billion won by adding up to 1 trillion won.) Yes.

That way, we estimate that a total of 1,040,000 Plus Alpha youth will benefit.]

Q. 60,000 youth digital jobs...

What kind of support plan?

[Lee Jae-gap/Minister of Employment and Labor: First of all, the digital economy is accelerating greatly after Corona 19 in our economy.

So, if you look at each company, there are jobs that need to be done in line with the digital economy.

In relation to digital, if you are able to work even for six months after getting a job at such a company, it is a system that the government provides for labor costs.

If a company converts the young man into an indefinite contract or a full-time job, we will hire you as an additional youth employment incentive.

So, I did this project last year, and 55% of the young people who participated in this project were hired as full-time workers.]

Q. Frequent public loans to large companies…

Where do you gain work experience?

[Lee Jae-gap/Minister of Employment and Labor: Our Ministry of Employment and Labor has selected some of the top 500 companies in the future, and we plan to monitor the trend once every quarter.

In that case, at what point and in which job each company will be hired?

I'm trying to collect information about how much I hire for a career and how if I do that, I'm trying to provide information to young people.

The most accessible place for young people is the college job center at the university, as these information must also be accessed by young people.

That is why the college job center has so far turned to focus on current students, but in the future, we will expand the target so that even graduates can use it, and use this information together to provide it to young people and provide counseling.]

Q. Giving up job search How to support youth?

[Lee Jae-gap/Minister of Employment and Labor: In local governments, there are youth centers that local governments have.

There are counselors at this youth center, and they have organized a system of cooperation with schools and other organizations in the community, and they discovered and consulted some of these young people, and then encouraged the will to find a job, and then hired us. Since the center has a systematic employment support system called the National Employment Support System, we are trying to establish a system that

connects with

that system.]

Q. What are the fundamental measures to solve the youth employment shortage?

[Lee Jae-gap/Minister of Employment and Labor: The most important thing in a job is that companies have to create a lot of jobs.

Therefore, the government is also implementing a policy to foster new industries after the post-corona through the Korean version of the New Deal.

So, with regards to the digital and green sectors, we are trying to revitalize investment and innovate various regulations, and we are trying to do a lot of innovative policies with a regulatory sandbox first.

I think it will be important for companies to join us in this effort.

So, of course, our companies have various difficulties and then there are various uncertainties, but I think that it is also the social responsibility of companies to look forward to future generations and increase the number of new recruits as much as possible.

I would like to say something that companies actively share in such a field.]