On February 21, the Central Government No. 1 document guiding the work of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” was officially released, and the development of the seed industry was separately mentioned for the first time.

The press conference of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on the 22nd also focused on this topic.

  In fact, some of the vegetables and meat on our dinner table are "imported" to some extent, because their seeds are imported.

What is the impact of seed "stuck neck"?

  Q Why did you propose the "Seed Industry Defense War"?

Cheng Yu, deputy director of the Rural Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council:

Seeds are a foundation of agricultural modernization. In terms of their contribution to agricultural productivity, seeds can

exceed 40%


But if you take good seed and good law into account, the contribution of seeds to agricultural production efficiency may be even higher.

So why do we take seeds so important and regard them as a "chip" in


is because

seeds have a very high contribution rate to improve agricultural production efficiency


  Q How to let farmers choose our own seeds?

Cheng Yu, deputy director of the Rural Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council:

1. The most important thing for farmers to choose seeds is whether they

can bring the best market benefits


If our seeds can help farmers solve practical problems in actual production, such as insect resistance, herbicide resistance, adapting to different living conditions, and drought-resistant specific problems, it will make production more convenient, farmers will definitely be willing to choose such seeds .

2. Is our seed

a variety that meets the


of the market? If this variety can sell well on the market and can sell at a better price, farmers will also choose this variety.

3. Our seeds must be compatible

with agricultural production facilities. For

example, this variety is compatible with the corresponding planting machinery and agricultural production technology. This

makes production more convenient,

and it is definitely easier for farmers to choose our seeds.


  Seed industry "stuck neck", where is the "stuck"?

Cheng Yu, deputy director of the Rural Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council:

Compared with seeds and chips, our technological gap with foreign countries is relatively small.

What we really call "cards" is not like many outsiders think, "cards" we have no seeds to plant.

In fact,

we are really "stuck" in breeding original technology


As we apply new technologies in biological breeding, we will find that we may need to dig out the trait genes of some varieties.

However, the problem with the real card is that we are not sufficiently digging out the functional trait genes of some varieties. We have no way to find a combination of these genes that are really adapted to increase yield, insect-resistant, and herbicide-resistant. We do not have these basic materials, maybe It is difficult to design the seeds we want according to the needs of production, and to target the needs more precisely.

  Q How can the development of the seed industry meet people's demand for better food?

Cheng Yu, deputy director of the Rural Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council:

Now it is indeed our seed industry that needs to meet some of the varieties that people want. Now it is not only about eating well, we also want to eat healthy and nutritious.

With the development of new biological breeding technology, it can

make breeding more precise, more qualitative, and more targeted, so we can design the varieties we want


For example, we can design some products with specific tastes according to the needs of a kind of cuisine. At the same time, we can also design some low-sugar and low-protein foods according to the needs of people with diabetes who need low-sugar foods. In this way, products can be developed through new technology. Design according to our needs, so new biological breeding is an important direction, which can make varieties more in line with our lives and needs.

  0 5 How to encourage seed companies to spend a long time in breeding and scientific research?

Cheng Yu, deputy director of the Rural Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council:

The investment in seed research and development is very large, but from the current situation of the seed industry, the seed industry enterprises are generally relatively small, and the market share of each variety is very low, which means that we The value of each variety that can be harvested from the market is very low.

With low profits, the ability to carry out high R&D investment is insufficient.

Therefore, we have also exposed a problem: the research and development capabilities of seed companies are very insufficient.

Based on such a special national situation, seed industry innovation requires a

more organic combination of scientific research institutions and enterprises, to truly achieve some efficiency of public scientific research resources, so that enterprises can gradually enlarge and release, and public scientific research institutions can more target the market. To carry out scientific research in the direction of orientation

can help enterprises alleviate some of the problems of insufficient R&D capabilities.