Core point of view: Qiao Ruiqing, a columnist of Economic Daily-China Economic Net, believes that informatization has brought huge opportunities to my country's economic and social development. To give full play to the driving and leading role of informatization in economic and social development, one must attach great importance to information resources, and two It is to accelerate the development of the network information technology industry, and the third is to promote the deep integration of the Internet and the real economy.

  The book "Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Essays on Network Power", edited by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee, was recently published by the Central Literature Publishing House and distributed nationwide.

  Informatization has brought tremendous opportunities to my country’s economic and social development. Seriously studying Comrade Xi Jinping’s important expositions on cyber power will help us do a good job in cyber security and informatization, promote the construction of cyber power, and start a new socialist modern country. The journey to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is of great significance.

  One is to attach great importance to information resources.

Network information flows across borders. Information flow leads the flow of technology, capital, and talent. Information resources are increasingly becoming an important factor of production and social wealth. The amount of information held has become an important indicator of a country’s soft power and competitiveness.

In the information age, the total amount of information resources is abundant, but from the perspective of information timeliness and information distribution, information is scarce.

Therefore, it is necessary to fully occupy information, analyze information, mine information, enhance information timeliness, create information distribution advantages, fully integrate information resources with labor resources, form active productivity elements, promote resource allocation optimization, and promote high-quality economic development.

  The second is to accelerate the development of the network information technology industry.

In the new era, the economy is moving towards high-quality development. It is no longer sustainable to rely on resource dividends and labor force dividends to support economic growth and scale expansion.

Whether it is the transformation of economic growth momentum, the transformation of the economic development mode, or the adjustment of the economic and industrial structure, it is necessary to call for new momentum.

Therefore, we must seize the opportunity of a new round of technological and industrial revolution, create new growth points such as digital economy and green economy, accelerate the development of the network information technology industry, form new advantages in digital, network, and intelligent development, and lead industrial transformation and upgrading. Support high-quality economic development.

  The third is to promote the deep integration of the Internet and the real economy. The integration of the Internet and the real economy has not only promoted the innovation and development of the Internet information technology industry, but also promoted the optimization, adjustment and upgrading of traditional industries. It is both a process of industrial digitization and a process of digital industrialization. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other network information technologies to enhance the penetration of digital to the real economy and promote the new industrial revolution. It is necessary to accelerate the integration of Internet information technology and intelligent manufacturing technology, promote the transformation of production methods from industrialization and automation to intelligent and intelligent production, greatly increase social productivity, and lead high-quality economic development. (Economic Daily-China Economic Net columnist Qiao Ruiqing)