The Nikkei Stock Average rose by more than 400 yen from the closing price last weekend to over 30,000 yen due to the spread of buy orders on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on the 15th of the week immediately after the start of the transaction.

It is the first time in 30 years and 6 months since August 1990 in the midst of the so-called "bubble economy" that stock prices have risen to the 30,000 yen level during trading hours.

In the background, GDP = gross domestic product from October to December last year announced on the 15th exceeded the market's expectations, and the US Biden administration launched a 200 trillion yen scale as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus. There are expectations that the global economy will recover steadily through economic measures and the spread of vaccines.

In addition, the central banks of each country have carried out large-scale monetary easing and continue to supply large amounts of funds, which is also a factor pushing up stock prices.