Due to the unprecedented'non-face-to-face New Year's holiday', the use of mobile devices is increasing rapidly, and concerns about various cyber security damages are also rising.

The security industry urged special attention as messenger phishing pretending to be family or acquaintances pretending to be a family member or acquaintance may increase, as well as smishing pretending to sell holiday gift certificates.

The smishing attack is an attack method executed using mobile phone text message (SMS), and attacks that abuse keywords such as'Courier Delivery','Gift' and'Greetings' have been prevalent before the holiday season.

There are also cases of impersonating family members, asking for money transfer, purchasing gift certificates, photographing ID cards, etc., or encouraging the installation of remote control apps on smartphones for difficult face-to-face situations.

Two-factor authentication settings when logging in, and refraining from financial transactions using free Wi-Fi are also ways to prevent damage.

(Photo = Yonhap News)