“It seems to me that this is a completely real task, I think it will be so.

What Gazprom, together with other shareholders, declares about the timing of the completion of the gas pipeline, I think, is more than real, ”the deputy said.

He also recalled that a significant part of the gas pipeline is already ready.

“Nothing stands in the way (to finish building Nord Stream 2 by the deadline. -



It remains to finish building just a little, in fact, only a site in the territorial waters of Denmark.

The coastal infrastructure is almost ready, ”Ananskikh added. 

As Vladimir Vavilov, Deputy Head of the Department of Import Substitution Technologies of Gazprom, said in a presentation earlier, the company is ready to put the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline into operation this year.

The construction of two lines of the gas pipeline in the Danish economic zone is planned to be completed by the end of April this year.