Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client, February 6 (Wei Wei, Xue Yufei) "Do you need a loan? We have low-interest loans with an annual interest rate as low as 3.85%." I believe many people have received similar calls.

A survey by the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client found that there is an industry chain hidden behind the sales calls. Loan intermediaries use fictitious companies and provide fake bank flows to package individuals into business owners who need to operate loans, so that these funds flow into the property market.

A salesperson of a Beijing loan intermediary company claimed that more than 50% or even 60% of their company's customers who applied for a real estate business loan used money to buy a house.

  The key to loan intermediaries and individuals rushing towards real estate business loans lies in the fact that business loans have low interest rates and a long term. Compared with housing loans, they can save hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of yuan in interest expenses.

Nowadays, the supervisory authorities are working to crack down on the illegal use of such funds. Some joint-stock commercial banks in Beijing have raised their mortgage loan interest rates and tightened the qualification review of loan companies.

Spreads drive 50% of operating loan customers to buy houses

  In the Beijing branch of the People's Bank of China Credit Information Center, there is an endless stream of people who print personal and corporate credit report reports. This has become an excellent place for many financial intermediary companies to find customers.

  On the morning of February 4, the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client saw at the Credit Information Center that when someone came out of the lobby with a credit report, three or five intermediaries would surround themselves, hand over their business cards enthusiastically, and asked if they had funds. demand.

Li Ming, a salesperson of a financial intermediary company, said: "There are many people calling for credit here. When we are fine, we will come here to find customers."

  Outside the gate of the Beijing branch of the People's Bank of China Credit Information Center, some financial intermediary company salesmen gathered.

Photo by Xue Yufei, Sino-Singapore Jingwei

  When the reporter said that there was still a lack of funds to buy a house, Li Ming immediately recommended a loan product that the bank issued to enterprises-house loan business loan.

He introduced that the housing loan business loan is based on applying for a loan from a bank on the grounds that the business needs funds, and the real estate under the name of the corporate legal person or individual shareholder is used as collateral in exchange for funds. Generally, 70% of the assessed value of the house can be loaned.

  Many bank loan managers and financial intermediary company salespersons told the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client that the real estate loan business has been in existence very early, and the term ranges from 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years. In the past few years, interest rates have mostly ranged from 5% to 6% or even higher.

However, due to the impact of the 2020 epidemic, banks have allowed the real economy to drive interest rates downward. Many banks in Beijing have lowered their housing loan interest rates to 3.85%. Some high-quality companies It can even get an interest rate of around 3.65%.

Compared with the mortgage interest rates in Beijing over the same period, the first home loan interest rate is about 5.2%, and the second home mortgage interest rate is 5.7%. The "spread" among them fascinated many home buyers, which led to the disappearance of this loan product that originally served SMEs. kind.

  Recently, Lu Feifei, who was experiencing "sell one buy one", was worried.

Originally, she planned to replace a school district housing of about 9 million yuan in Xicheng District, but neither her husband nor her husband had enough provident fund loans, so the real estate agent recommended them a business loan.

Taking a loan of 3 million yuan, 20 years of equal principal and interest, and loan interest rate of 5.7% as an example, the monthly housing loan needs to be repaid 20,997 yuan, and the total repayment amount is 5.0345 million yuan; if the annual interest rate of the operating loan is 4%, the monthly repayment is 18179 Yuan, the total repayment amount is 4,363,100 yuan, which can save nearly 670,000 yuan.

  Li Ming said that many people who want to buy a house but do not have sufficient funds or the proportion of second home loans are low will choose to apply for business loans through loan intermediaries.

Since 2020, more than 50% or even 60% of their companies have applied for business loans. Customers are used to buy houses.

"Some people apply for housing loan business loans for business operations, but small and medium-sized enterprises have gone bankrupt in a few years, and they still buy houses."

  "About 50% of the business loans I handled last year were for buying a house." A personal loan manager of a bank told the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client that most of them were for buying a second house, because the down payment ratio for the second house is high, and the down payment for ordinary homes 60%, 80% down payment for non-ordinary owner-occupiers, many people cannot make up such a high down payment and can only use business loans.

A few thousand yuan to become a company shareholder can buy a house

  Although the interest rate of the housing loan business loan is low, in order to get the money smoothly, the loan applicant needs to have a company and a house in Beijing.

How to package applicants into compliance targets is the time for financial intermediary companies to perform "magic".

Zhang Yang, a salesperson of a financial intermediary company in Beijing, said: “If you do not have a company, we have two ways to handle it. One is to help you acquire a company and become the legal representative of the company, and the other is Find a company to add you as a shareholder."

  What is the difference between these two methods?

Zhang Yang told the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client that if a company is acquired, the customer becomes the legal representative of the company, and he needs to go to the industrial and commercial department to go through the change procedures, open an account in the bank, and provide a variety of information, from the acquisition of the company to the final loan. , The processing cycle is about one and a half months to two months, and the handling fee is about 12,000 yuan.

  "In the second way, we will take the company's business license and return it to the other party when it is used up. It will not affect other people's companies, but it will cost 8,000 yuan. This kind of processing cycle is fast, and it can be done in about two weeks. Finish." Zhang Yang said.

  Guo Liang is a salesperson of another financial intermediary company. The plan he gave is similar to Zhang Yang. The cost of buying the company is 8,000-10,000 yuan.

After the company completes the transfer, Guo Liang will scan the bank account and make some false materials for the shell company under the customer's name. After everything is completed, he will take the company's business license, company articles of association, the customer's ID card, real estate registration certificate, and purchase of a house. Contract and other materials to match the appropriate bank.

The bank provides loans based on 70% of the assessed value of the house under the customer's name, and the interest rate is determined based on the credit of the company and the customer.

In addition to charging certain fees for helping customers acquire companies or fixing shareholder qualifications, financial intermediaries also charge service fees of about 1%-2% of the total loan amount.

Taking a loan of 3 million yuan as an example, the overall cost is 60,000 to 70,000 yuan.

However, in the eyes of many buyers, spending tens of thousands of dollars can save hundreds of thousands or even millions in interest. This is a business that makes no money.

If the loan applicant does not even have a house, some financial intermediary companies even provide customers with advances to purchase a house. After the house is transferred, they quickly apply for a mortgage business loan from the bank, and then return the funds to the financial intermediary company.

Li Ming said that they have cooperation with some trust companies. Customers can borrow money from them to buy houses, and the interest is calculated on a daily basis. After the funds for operating loans are received, the money will be returned to the trust company.

  "The advance loan will go to the notary office for notarization, and the client also needs to press some personal documents in the trust company. After all, this is a lot of money." Li Ming also reminded that generally speaking, the interest on this money is relatively high. Customers need to quickly go through the entire process of transfer and loan, otherwise the interest loss will be too great.

Some banks raise interest rates and strictly review loan qualifications

  The illegal inflow of real estate business loans into the property market has caused more attention in Shenzhen, Shanghai and other places. Beijing has poured cold water on this carnival feast recently.

On January 30, the Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau announced that it required all banks to conduct a comprehensive self-examination of the compliance of newly issued personal consumption loans and personal business loans since the second half of 2020.

At the same time, the Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau has established a joint working group with the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development and other departments, and will go to banking institutions to conduct special inspections in the near future.

"It's a sensitive period and we have to talk face-to-face. In the second half of last year, there were 3.85% of operating loan products. Now some banks have raised interest rates to 4%-5%." Zhang Yang said that not only the interest rate increase, but also the qualification review of customers. To be strict, "before new companies and new shareholders can do it. Recently, some banks have raised the threshold. For example, it takes half a year for new shareholders to apply for business loans."

  As a lender, a reporter from China-Singapore Jingwei consulted more than a dozen banks in Beijing to find out the latest situation of operating loans.

In contrast, several major state-owned banks have always had relatively high qualification requirements for lending companies and individuals, and interest rates have not changed for now.

  The manager of the credit department of a branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Xicheng District stated that the company must be established for more than one year and operate normally. If a shareholder applies, it must be a shareholder for more than half a year. The minimum loan interest rate is 3.65% and the longest loan is 10 years.

The personal loan manager of a branch of Bank of China in Xicheng District stated that the bank requires the company to operate for more than two years, and the borrower is one of the shareholders and the shareholding needs to be more than 5%.

  “Our bank requires the company to be established for more than two years, and the company’s shareholders also require more than two years, and it also requires capital flow. The company needs to provide a certificate of agreeing to repay personal loans with operating income, and shareholders who hold more than 50% of the total shares can provide guarantees for loans, and We only do a one-year term and the loan interest rate is 3.85%." The personal loan manager of a branch of the Agricultural Bank of China Dongcheng District has repeatedly emphasized that customers must have real business operations and real demand before they can borrow.

However, some joint-stock banks have recently raised the operating loan threshold and interest rates.

The loan manager of a branch of China Guangfa Bank said that high-quality customers could achieve 3.85% before, but now it is basically adjusted to 4.15%-5.25%.

A personal loan manager of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank said: "Recently, interest rates have been raised by 10 basis points, and the operating turnover has to be reviewed. The loan amount is 30%-40% of the operating turnover."

  "Last year interest rates were relatively low, between 3.6% and 3.8%. The latest loan requirements this year have not yet come down, but they certainly cannot go as last year. Interest rates will rise, the overall quota will be controlled, and approvals may be stricter." A personal loan manager of the bank said that the company must be operated in a real way. There is only a shell company and there is no trace of operation.

  The personal loan manager of Everbright Bank told a reporter from Sino-Singapore Jingwei that newly registered companies cannot do it recently. New shareholders and new houses can still do it, but there is a difference in pricing. There is a product that can be loaned for 20 years with an annual interest rate of 4.8%. The repayment method is monthly interest payment and one-twentieth of the principal is returned once a year.

However, he emphasized that the use of loans is now very strict, and banks will supervise loan payments, that is, they will monitor whether funds flow to real counterparties.

  In addition, the loan managers of Minsheng Bank and Industrial Bank's Xicheng District branch said that their operating loan interest rates have not changed recently, and the customer service staff of Ping An Bank said that interest rates have not changed.

Minsheng Bank and Industrial Bank require more than 2 years to apply for business registration, and Ping An Bank requires more than 1 year, and both have certain bank turnover requirements.

But Li Ming said: "If you ask the bank, you will definitely ask for real operations. This is the value of our existence."

Consumer loans are targeted for long-term credits as high as one million

  Although "business loans" are tightening, under the temptation of "interest spreads", people still choose consumer loans and other low-interest loan products to replace mortgages.

  Sun Meng, who lives in Beijing, is experiencing "sell one, buy one". In December 2020, she just sold her own home, and then bought an improved home.

"This house was sold for 2.8 million, and the total price of the house I fancy was 4.4 million, but because this house was'full two and only', the down payment was forced to increase in order to save taxes." Sun Meng told the Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client, She borrowed 500,000 yuan from relatives and friends, raised the down payment to 3.8 million, and then applied for a 600,000 yuan mortgage.

Source of the sales office sand table: Photo by Xue Yufei, Sino-Singapore Jingwei

Sun Meng plans to apply for a consumer loan from the bank after the mortgage is approved to pay off the money from relatives and friends.

"I have consulted and compared more than 20 banks and selected a few with lower interest rates. The annual interest rate is about 4.2%. The repayment method is interest first and then capital, and it can be loaned for three years. I expect to pay off in one or two years. "

  When asked if she was worried about the bank's inquiries about the flow of loans, she said, "After buying a house, you will definitely need to renovate and purchase electricity. These also cost money, and the bank should not be able to find out.

  During the interview, the salespersons of the aforementioned loan intermediary companies also said that the recipient of the loan is usually a third party to the public account. In order to avoid supervision, the customer transfers back and forth several times. The customer finally withdraws the cash from the bank to buy a house. .

Guo Liang said: "According to our process to collect payments, 100% no problem."

A reporter from China-Singapore Jingwei learned that, compared with operating loans of millions of lines and 10 or even 20 years of loan years, personal consumption loans can reach up to 300,000 yuan, which can generally be loaned for 3 years, and the annual interest rate of high-quality customer loans can be As low as 4.2%.

If you apply for consumer loans from multiple banks at the same time, you can enlarge the loan amount to millions of dollars.

Illegal use of funds or borrowing is recommended to institutions to shorten the loan period

  During the interview, a loan manager saw that the reporter was not a real business owner, and persuaded the reporter to give up operating loans. He said that this year the supervision is under strict inspection of operating loans. If funds flow to the property market, the bank will require customers to repay the loan in advance. This is not a violation. The loan contract stipulates that "if you are unable to repay the loan, the bank may sue you."

  “Since last year, in order to support the prevention and control of the epidemic and the resumption of work and production, banks have generally lowered the interest rates for operating loans, and some loan interest rates have been significantly lower. The recent increase by banks is only a return to normal levels. The

increase in operating loan interest rates has a greater impact on the whole. Small, which helps to reduce the arbitrage space between business loans and personal housing loans, but it may also accidentally hurt some small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that really need business loans."

Chief Researcher of Zhaolian Finance, Institute of Finance, Fudan University Dong Ximiao, a part-time researcher, told the Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client.

  In Dong Ximiao's view, commercial banks and consumer finance companies should restrict the granting time limit of operating loans and consumer loans to less than 5 years while strict entry thresholds and strengthen loan management, and require borrowers to provide necessary use certificates.

For loans of more than 300,000 yuan, the entrusted payment regulations should be more strictly enforced, and the loan funds should be paid to the borrower's transaction target for the contractual purpose to reduce the risk of misappropriation.

(Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

(In the text, Li Ming, Zhang Yang, Guo Liang, Lu Feifei, and Sun Meng are all pseudonyms)

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