
There are many cases where people buy products on overseas sites with so-called direct purchases. A 4cm long foreign object came out from baby food purchased by a consumer.

It's a famous brand, but neither the manufacturer nor the Korean distributors know I know.

Reporter Jeon Yeon-nam covered the report.


Bae has been feeding famous foreign brand baby food products to a 9-month-old child through direct purchase overseas.

It is a popular product among mothers because of its high iron content.

However, a foreign object over 4cm was found inside the product.

[Bae Mo's / Buy oatmeal from overseas direct purchase: It was a very hard mass, and it looked like rotten fish and shellfish.

It was a shock so much that my heart would sink.] When

Bae contacted a Korean distributor, the product was not officially imported into Korea, and because it was purchased directly from overseas, I was asked to contact the overseas headquarters.

[Korea distributor official: This is what we are responsible for. It seems difficult to say this, and in the case of ingredient analysis, we proceed...

.] When

I sent an e-mail to the head office, I took responsibility for solving it through a Korean distributor.

[Mr. Bae / Buy oatmeal directly from overseas: From a consumer point of view, it was very difficult to know where to ask for this.

I don't plan on buying baby food directly overseas.]

Recently, 1 in 10 fast-selling consumers experienced damage, such as excessive detection of benzoic acid in an overseas fast-ball baby wipes.

Since it did not go through the formal approval process, it is difficult to take responsibility for damage to defective products, and it is difficult to resolve disputes according to domestic laws.

[Jeong Jae-hyung/Attorney: In reality, it is difficult for consumers to take legal action.

When reporting through the consumer harm monitoring system, measures such as recall may be taken depending on the case (may be taken.)] In the

event of a problem caused by direct purchase, Korea Consumer Agency first raises an objection to the purchase site and provides proof of purchase details in international transactions We advise you to ask for help from a consumer portal or credit card company.

(Video coverage: Hakmo Kim and Namnam Kim, Video editing: Seungjin Lee)