
In search of crumbs and dust, they drive back and forth through the apartment and turn brushes and rollers as fast as possible: vacuum robots should make cleaning easier and save time.

But how intelligent and independent are the automatic domestic helpers actually?

"Most robotic vacuum cleaners do a thorough cleaning of the floor, but many models don't get into the corners," reports Anne Kliem from Stiftung Warentest in Berlin.

Side brushes often cannot get to the dirt in the niche.

One reason why the old vacuum cleaner still has to help out - but also to clean upholstery or vacuum under furniture.

Because not every robot manages to move under cupboards, beds and sofas.

"Before buying, buyers should measure under the furniture to see whether it can vacuum or possibly get stuck," advises Markus Nohe, product expert at TÜV Süd in Munich.

Vacuum robots clean either hard floors or carpets well, according to Stiftung Warentest in a test.

In particular, inexpensive models weaken on one of the two floors.

“For carpets, the device must have a brush that digs deep into the pile,” explains Kliem.

Otherwise the dirt will only be removed superficially.

"On hard floors, the side brushes shouldn't turn so fast so that the dirt isn't pushed away."


Vacuum robots have sensors so that they can find their way around the room and recognize obstacles.

Navigation is often done using lasers or cameras.

Both can have weak points: "Laser models can be easily confused by reflective surfaces - cameras struggle with orientation in poor lighting conditions," explains Nohe.

What the robot likes is daylight, bright artificial light and linear rooms.

"The more angled the floor plan of an apartment, the more likely it is that a robot vacuum cleaner will have problems with orientation," says Nohe.

Complex floor plans can also increase the cleaning time.

If you don't want to clean up every time before the robot drives, you should keep things tidy.

“The clearer the floor is from objects, the faster the cleaning process is overall,” says Kliem.

Socks lying around, yesterday's newspaper, or toys with small pieces can interfere with suction and cause disruption.

Vacuum robot on the go at any time of the day


What the vacuum robot does well is to drive frequently.

While you only need to vacuum once or twice a week, the robot is available around the clock every day.

If the battery runs out of energy, modern devices find their way back to the charging station by themselves.

Some then continue sucking where they left off.

Some devices can be operated using a smartphone.

In the manufacturer apps, you can, for example, set cleaning times and track the journey on a digital map.

In terms of data protection law, however, apps can also be questionable: "Many apps send data to the manufacturer's server that is not necessary for the operation of the device, such as the customer's telephone provider," says Kliem.

Cleaning the robots can be a problem for allergy sufferers.

“Hardly a robot can be emptied hygienically.

They collect dirt in a box that stirs up dust when it is emptied, ”says Kliem.

Newer systems can transfer the dust into a disposable bag at the charging station.


“Buyers should make sure that wearing parts of the robot such as brushes, filters and batteries are replaceable.

In this way, you don't have to replace the entire device in the event of a defect, ”advises Nohe.

Filters should be knocked out and cleaned regularly so that the suction power does not decrease.

The robot has also long since arrived in the garden.

Unlike robotic vacuum cleaners, robotic lawnmowers use neither lasers nor cameras, but shock sensors.

“As a rule, they choose their paths at random and change direction when they hit something.

Ultrasound is also occasionally used, ”says Kliem.

High-priced devices are equipped with a GPS system to make them easier to find on large properties and to protect them from theft.

The robot has also long since arrived in the garden.

The robotic lawnmower does some unpleasant gardening

Source: dpa-tmn

“With most models, the area that the robot is supposed to mow has to be delimited on the outside with a signal wire,” she says.

Without this, the robot would drive into the flower bed.

The wire is laid flat in the sward.

The robot recognizes it through its sensors.

“Commercially available models that can be found in hardware stores, for example, can be used for areas of up to 400 square meters.

But there are also special models for areas of up to 1000 and well over 1000 square meters, ”explains Kliem.

The Stiftung Warentest has calculated that the lawn should be at least 100 square meters so that the purchase is worthwhile.

The robotic lawnmower also prefers level floors and, if necessary, slight inclines in order to function well.

“The larger the property, the more powerful the battery should be,” says Nohe.

Otherwise, the robot will take longer to cut, as an empty battery will usually be charged for one to two hours before the mower is ready for use again.

A robotic lawnmower never needs to be emptied.

You cut only short pieces from the stalks and leave the grass clippings as fertilizer.

Mulching prevents the lawn from forming and matting.

How often a robotic lawnmower is cleaned by hand depends on the soil.

Loamy soil causes more dirt than sandy soil or thick grass, says Kliem.

Once a year, the manufacturers recommend maintenance at a specialist dealer.

Vacuum robots cannot compete with conventional vacuum cleaners

Stiftung Warentest has taken a closer look at the current vacuum cleaner robots and comes to a sobering conclusion: Even the best robot tested does not do well.

Source: WELT / Nicole Fuchs-Wiecha