
IStock / City Presse

Even if it is not fun, some people prefer to anticipate and organize their funeral during their lifetime, in order to be sure that everything will go as they wish.

Choosing the place of burial, the type of burial or ceremony, thinking about the memory you would like to leave with your loved ones are all important questions.

This choice, often motivated by several reasons, is made easier by taking out funeral insurance.

For more serenity

Thinking about resolving the issue of funerals when you're in great shape may seem strange or even sordid, but in reality, this approach brings serenity and comfort.

Some want to control everything until the end, others prefer to do it now so they don't have to think about it later.

There is no age limit to start preparing for your big departure, even if in France, the majority of people inquire about the various funeral contracts between 50 and 70 years old.

Those who make this choice also often and above all think of their family.

If everything is already settled, relatives will be relieved of unhappy formalities and this will have the effect of preventing possible disagreements and conflicts.

In addition, if the funeral is already paid, one does not leave a debt to his children or his heirs.

A specific agreement

Buying funeral insurance is a personal decision that requires some thought.

Also called funeral agreements or provident contracts, these contracts offered by funeral directors make it possible to organize future funerals during their lifetime and can be of two types.

The so-called “capital” contract makes it possible to constitute a pot.

When you die, the payment of this sum of money to the beneficiary you have designated, whether it is a funeral home or a loved one who will choose the funeral provider themselves, will be used to cover the costs.

But this does not guarantee respect for wishes if they are specific.

If you want to finance your funeral but also organize it, the funeral contract "in services" is a more complete support.

It includes a life insurance contract, identical to the capital contract, and the provision of services to a funeral company which will manage the burial or cremation, all the organization of the ceremony, transport, flowers ... Services can be standard or personalized.

If you really want your wishes to be met to the letter, opt for a tailor-made contract, which, on the other hand, will be more expensive.

Funeral contract and death insurance contract?

Be careful not to confuse the funeral insurance contract and the death insurance contract, which are very different.

If the first is intended to finance, or even organize, funerals in advance, death insurance provides for the payment of a capital or an annuity to protect the family in the event of premature death.

A sum that can, if necessary, be used to pay part of the funeral.


Death insurance or funeral agreement, what are the differences?


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How to guarantee his last wishes?

Do you want your ashes to be scattered at sea or prefer to bequeath your body to science?

Would you like an intimate religious ceremony with musicians or a procession with your fellow firefighters?

Paying homage to the deceased also means respecting his ideas and his deepest convictions.

The law obliges the heirs to follow the last wishes of the deceased.

If you have not prepared your funeral yourself, clearly write your last wishes on plain paper and entrust them to one or two people you trust.

You can also leave a copy in your family record book or in your bank file, where it can be easily found.

  • Family

  • Burial

  • Insurance

  • Funeral