<Anchor> In the

stock market yesterday (12th), the stock price, which had fallen sharply, remained at the 3,100 range as institutions and foreigners sold and lived.

There are a lot of people who have started stocks these days, especially those in their 20s and 30s who continue to enter the stock market.

Reporter Jeong Seong-jin reports.


Books related to stocks are located at the entrance of the most prominent large bookstore.

Last year, stock-related books sold nearly three times more than a year ago, and this year's increase is steeper.

Many people in their 2-30s visited.

[College students in their 20s: (previously) adults also did it, but recently, (stock investment) is a little more recommended...

After putting in a little bit of money, I'm going to study properly recently (I'm trying to study)] As long as

stocks can be bought, financial vouchers for securities companies sold 144 billion won in 9 months, but the main customers are in their 2-30s. .

2030 accounted for more than half of new stock accounts last year.

It is an analysis that young people who are marginalized from the real estate market amid soaring house prices are rushing to invest in the stock market in an effort not to miss an opportunity.

[30s office worker: If you can't get on this investment opportunity, I don't think this opportunity will come in the future, and I'm afraid that the asset gap will widen further...


However, there is a lot of concern about my investment in debt without a deep understanding of the market.

[Jung-Woo Koo/Professor of Sociology at Sungkyunkwan University: I think (stock investment) is the only ladder to rise to the ranks, so jumping in without sufficient plans or mobilization of funds can lead to greater frustration or an opportunity to develop anxiety about future life.]

If the overheated asset market is shaken, the impact of the 2030, the elderly in society, will be greater, requiring diagnosis and management by policy authorities.