The commercial launch of the 5G network has turned into a legal nightmare for mobile operators.

Complaints are growing against this technology, the deployment of which is delayed.

And it is our competitors in the world who risk benefiting from our delay in this field. 

You may have received a 5G compatible smartphone over Christmas.

Well, you will probably have to wait a bit to use it, because the commercial launch of the network is turning into a legal nightmare for operators. 

Yes, because complaints are increasing against this technology.

The most recent comes from the consumer association CLCV, which accuses manufacturers of deceptive commercial practices.

She explains that not all citizens will benefit from improved speed on their internet.

This complaint is in addition to those filed by other associations before the Council of State.

This time, it is the potential impact of 5G on health that is targeted.

In this context, several large cities such as Paris, Grenoble or Lille are reluctant to allow this new network to be deployed, the recent report by the High Climate Council criticizing the environmental impact of 5G having not helped.

As you can see, the legal battle has only just begun and it is likely to last a long time.

But why this massive opposition from the French? 

So we are touching here on what is becoming a particularity of our country, that is to say a loss of confidence in progress.

We had already observed it during the launch of the Linky meter of EDF, which had raised, and which still raises moreover, multiple protests.

We can still see it today with anti-vaccines, a population that partly covers this fringe of citizens who are skeptical of scientific advances.

So it's a fact, we have to deal with it and if we want to criticize industrialists and public authorities, it is perhaps not to communicate well in the face of this hostility from part of the public. .

Yet there is space to be heard.

It should be noted, for example, that the recent Citizens' Climate Convention drew lots for 85 people who had to vote on 5G and 70% of them considered that it was a factor of progress for everyone. 

Can this beginning of the sling delay the deployment of 5G? 

Yes of course, France is already far behind compared to its major world competitors.

For operators, who have spent 2.8 billion euros to buy frequencies, the industrial risk is significant.

It is next year that 5G should theoretically take off, but for now, we are still very far from it.