On the morning of the 24th, Xinhua News Agency released such a short message, still in the form of "small words and big things":

  [The financial management department will meet with Ant Group in the near future]

  The People's Bank of China, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission, and State Administration of Foreign Exchange will meet with Ant Group in the near future to supervise and guide Ant Group in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law to implement financial supervision, fair competition, and protection of consumers' legal rights and interests. , Regulate the operation and development of financial services.

  The title is 16 words, and the body part includes 95 words including punctuation!

The amount of information is quite abundant.

  Let's first compare the picture:

  52 days ago, the news that Ant Group was interviewed for the first time was released, with 15 characters in the title and 74 characters in the body, which is also minimalist in length and extremely short.

  Comparing the two photos, you will find that this is far more than the difference between the standard version and the Pro version. The seemingly familiar formula and familiar taste actually release three strong signals in the change:

  First, clarify the position of the regulator.

  From the first "Four Departments" to the "Financial Management Department" this time, although the four departments appearing in the main text have not changed, the title of the Xinhua News Agency's bulletin, which cherishes the words like gold and guards each layer, does not change randomly. of.

  If the first interview was only to declare the coordination of the four departments, this time it is precisely and clearly positioned in the function of "financial management", clarifying the "subject responsibility" of the interviewer and the topics of the interview, and echoing The specific requirements put forward by the just-concluded Central Economic Work Conference.

  Second, the adjustment of the process more respects the market experience.

  Obviously, the first interview was released after the talks were over. When the news came out, it was shocking and aroused widespread concern for a while.

This time it was methodical and very calm, making it easier for all parties to understand that this is just the performance of government departments, and there is no need to make a fuss, let alone make unreasonable connections.

  This is exactly what the press release of the Central Economic Work Conference clearly pointed out: "We must strengthen regulation and enhance supervision capabilities." Not only should supervision, but also the technology and art of "management" should be improved to amplify the effect of "management" and reduce non-compliance. The necessary vibration.

  Third, the regulatory content is more open and transparent.

  In the first interview, I only said that the relevant person in charge of Ant was "appointed" without mentioning what the "talking" was.

  This interview pointed to a more specific implementation level, including at least three meanings:

  The first is to clarify the principles that the Ant Group can follow in the subsequent development-"marketization and rule of law". The former means that the market will continue to play a good role in resource allocation and encourage the innovative development of the platform economy, while the latter is Emphasize that everyone should be equal, and Internet economic giants should not receive special treatment.

  The second is to clarify that the purpose of financial supervision is to achieve financial "fair competition" and "protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers."

The Internet platform economy has developed rapidly in recent years. It has unknowingly changed people's consumption habits (even thinking habits), and has also made the market's pricing power more and more concentrated in a few giant companies, which has shown disorderly expansion and erosion. Financial stability and the risk of affecting consumer protection are rising.

  At this time, if the government does not take action, expecting that the capital with its "profit-seeking" as its essential attribute will suddenly begin to introspect and even reform?

The answer is self-evident.

The "invisible hand" makes the bottom line and the "visible hand" adjusts it. Only this can ensure that the development dividend will benefit more people.

  The third is to clarify that the significance of supervision is to "regulate financial business operation and development." "Management" must be "managed", but the purpose of management is to make the market's competition more attractive, and to make the players on the field and the audience off the field more attractive. All can appreciate the concerto of financial innovation together under the unified standard rules, and promote healthy and sustainable development in the continuous improvement of governance.

  After all, hello everyone is really good.