■ ​ If you want to EXIT towards'economic freedom'.

"I want to get economic freedom. I want to go on a trip with plenty of oil in my car without worrying about the rise and fall of international oil prices on the news, and even after seeing the news about utility bills and prices, I want to shop without worrying about anything I want to buy. Also, if there are foods I want to eat at a restaurant, as a gourmet, I want to order course meals regardless of how expensive they are.”

If you empathize, you want to be rich too.

This article is part of a diary I used when I was collecting seed money at a nightclub.

This diary aroused a lot of sympathy from many people online and through books, and through this reaction, it was also the article that reminded me of'Many people want this life'.

The time when I wrote a diary was a time when I was earnestly collecting seed money with the goal of making more money.

It was a time when I couldn't buy drinks for 500 won because of the waste of money.

Money is money, but the life I wanted more than anything else was a life that was not bound by time.

If you think about it, isn't it?

Whatever you want, you should have enough money, but before that, you need time to enjoy it all.

No matter how much money you have, what's the use if you can't afford it?

In order to live by doing what I want to do, I need to have both'time' and'money'.

In other words, enjoying economic freedom is possible when you have both time and money.

Many people want to be financially free.

And I believe that when you reach that stage, you will be happier than you are now.

However, since they don't know how to call money or how to get rich, they can't even try and bury it with vague dreams.

The first step starts with shifting your thoughts.

If you want to EXIT the situation towards economic freedom, let's change your mind.

■ Special moves in life 1. People live their lives the way they think.

People live the way they portray.

Strong will leads one's body to be more energetic.

To develop a strong will, you need to be confident that you can do it, and to have that confidence, you need to have a clear goal.

When told to set goals like this, most people think that only goals that are too big, that is, the final point of reach, are goals.

Of course, it's good to set your final goal high.

However, while running only looking at this big goal, you may get tired of the middle and give up.

My first car was a used Tico purchased for 2.3 million won.

For six and a half years, I collected seed money while riding the tico and studied for the rich.

It was a difficult and difficult time, but my dreams and goals were so clear.

I had a dream that I would surely raise money.

Because there was no law that even my dreams should be poor just because I am difficult now.

Because I had a clear dream, I set small goals every year and achieved them one by one.

After so many years, I was able to take a step closer to economic freedom.

When people want to get rich, they overlook the importance of mentality and try to learn only the'skill' of making money.

However, if you focus solely on learning new skills without training in mentality, you will find yourself giving up at some point.

Surely everyone will have that experience.

■ Special moves in life 2. You must live like a pro to succeed.

Throughout your life, it's good to know how to succeed at least in your field.

What is curious is that those who succeed in their field also succeed in other fields.

On the contrary, people who blame the environment in their field and have a lot of complaints do not produce good results even if they leave the area and go to another field.

Is there any reason to say,'The gourd leaking from the house leaks even if you go to the field'?

The same goes for enjoying economic freedom.

It is difficult to get rich if you only blame your surroundings and complain about it.

But in his field, it is much easier for those who are recognized, no matter how trivial, to get rich.

Even in an invisible place, I do my job faithfully, and I am not bothered and troublesome even though I did not do it.

It's an attitude of noticing what you need first and doing things right away without asking for anything else.

I define a pro like this.

It is a person who works with'responsibility' in any work, places importance on promises with others, and cares for others as a habit.

Being a pro is a shortcut to success, and even if the results don't come right away, you will eventually lead you to success.

Being a pro is not that difficult, but there are not many pros in the world.

In other words, success is not that difficult.

I hope you don't forget that only when you become a real professional you can meet some of the few pros and hidden masters.

Starting from the corona crisis, our lives will change at a faster rate in the future.

It would be nice if this time would not come again in the future, but now is the time to protect yourself.

By adding more detailed examples to the above article, I tried to tell you how to increase your wealth with real estate and business, as well as how you can EXIT for economic freedom.

Anyone who knows the right way can make dreams a reality and become rich.

If you continue to devote yourself to the mind of'becoming', you will surely find yourself living a changed life.

#In-it #In-it #Song Hee-chang #Song Secretary #Exit #Exit