[Economy 365]

Corona employment shock has been shown to have a greater impact on women than men.

According to the National Statistical Office, the number of unemployed men increased by 6,000 last month from a year ago, but the number of unemployed women increased by 96,000.

The growth rate of unemployed women was 28.8%, the highest since July 2014.

Last month, the number of women employed decreased by 188,000 compared to a year ago, and the number of employed men decreased by only 85,000.

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nationwide subscription passbook subscribers exceeded 27 million last month.

According to the Korea Real Estate Agency's subscription home, as of the end of last month, the number of subscribers to the nationwide subscription account was 27.12 million.

Of these, 55% of all members qualify as the number one.

As the pre-sale price limit was applied to private residential sites from the end of last July, the so-called'lotto pre-sale' expectations have risen.


This year, accidents caused by electric kickboards have more than doubled compared to last year.

According to the Consumer Agency, the number of electric kickboard safety accidents received from January to November this year was 571, a 135% increase from the same period last year.

64.2% of all accidents occurred while driving, such as inexperienced driving or speeding, and 31.4% of accidents were caused by breakdowns and product defects.


Mutual finance, post offices, and securities companies will also be able to use the'open banking' service.

The Financial Services Commission announced that from tomorrow (22nd), mutual banking such as Suhyup, Shinhyup, Saemaul Geumgo, post office, and 13 securities companies will start open banking customer service.

Open banking refers to a service that allows you to view accounts of other financial companies and transfer money with one application.