Akio Toyoda, chairman of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, which is made up of automobile manufacturers, says that the industry will do everything in its power to address the government's policy of aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. He expressed the idea that policy changes should also be promoted.

Chairman Toyota of Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association met with the press online on the 17th.

Among them, Chairman Toyoda said, "We will do our best to challenge the government's policy of aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050. It cannot be expected to be achieved without breakthrough technological innovation, and we must work on the entire supply chain including parts manufacturers. It must not be. "

Regarding the response to the electrification of vehicles, Mr. Toyoda said, "Japan is a country where all electric vehicles are available, from hybrid vehicles to EV = electric vehicles." "Most of the electricity is thermal power generation, and EV is currently used." It is difficult to achieve carbon neutrality without reforming the national energy policy. ”He said that the reform of the national energy policy should be promoted, such as increasing renewable energy. Shown.

Regarding mini vehicles, which account for one-third of new vehicle sales, Chairman Toyoda said, "In rural areas, mini vehicles are a complete lifeline, and we must not forget the user's perspective. We can achieve this by mixing with hybrid vehicles. It's the way Japan lives. "