[Explanation] Manas County, Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang is located at the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains and the southern edge of the Junggar Basin. It is also in the 43-45 degree north latitude zone where wine grapes are most suitable for growing wine grapes in the world-famous wine producing regions of Bordeaux, France and California. Known as the "golden area" of grape growth.

In 2017, Manas County won the honor of China's first "Certification of Small Wine Grape Producing Area" and "China's Wine Capital".

The high-quality grape planting base in Manas County has reached 24,000 mu, and the wine made from high-quality local grapes has enabled farmers to earn more than RMB 2,400 per mu from growing grapes.

  [Explanation] Manas County Horticultural Farm started planting wine grapes in 1985, and has been planting for more than 30 years. The large temperature difference between day and night, long frost-free period, abundant effective light and heat, and high soil fertility make the wine grape varieties grown , Has also become an important producing area of ​​Chinese wine grapes.

In the past two days, Lei Jianguo, secretary of the Party Branch of the Second District of Manas County Horticulture Farm, is planning with his colleagues how to plant wine grapes according to market demand.

  [Concurrent] Lei Jianguo, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Second District of Horticulture Farm, Manas County, Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang

  Our horticulture farm now has 6600 acres of land for planting wine grapes. Among them, our Cabernet Sauvignon occupies 3000 acres, and the rest of Guiyingxiang is 1000 acres. Now we all follow the 600 kg and 1.2 The standard output of tons is planted in accordance with the requirements of the winery. This year's output has also reached the expected effect, the harvest is good, and the employees are very happy.

  [Explanation] Good grapes are planted, and sales have become a problem. Fresh grapes are difficult to store, long transportation distances, and low added value of grapes, which greatly restricts farmers' income.

In 2012, Manas County CITIC Guoan Wine Industry Co., Ltd. sent technicians to provide services to sign orders with growers, which solved the problem of grape sales and laid the foundation for the production of high-quality wines.

  [Explanation] The reporter saw in the bottling workshop of Xinjiang CITIC Guoan Wine Industry Co., Ltd. that the staff were filling and packaging the brewed wine through fully automated equipment. These wines will be sold throughout the country.

  [Concurrent] Lei Jianguo, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Second District of Horticulture Farm, Manas County, Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang

  Next year we plan to increase the 500 acres of land in our high-quality garden to enrich the wine grape industry of our gardening farm. In the future, we will continue to increase technical cooperation with wine companies, so that our wine grapes can truly become our employees and increase their income. "Money bag".

  [Explanation] It is understood that the existing wine grape planting area in Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang is 116,000 mu, with a total processing capacity of 348,000 tons, accounting for 69% of Xinjiang's total production capacity.

It supplies 52,000 tons of raw grape wine to inside and outside Xinjiang every year, making it the country's largest raw wine supply base.

In 2019, the ecological wine production area at the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains achieved an output value of 1 billion yuan, accounting for more than half of Xinjiang's wine output value.

  Rong Rui Walis Jiang reports from Changji, Xinjiang

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]