
Reporter Kwon Ae-ri is here.

Reporter Kwon, it's an era of questioning how companies made money and how they affected the environment.

In our stock market, did an index that weights how environmentally friendly companies are?



Today (16th), a new index is released on our stock market.

Its name is the Carbon Efficiency Green New Deal Index.

The Korea Exchange and Standard & Poor's, the leading index of the US stock market, were created together. In this index, how big and how well it is to make money is as important as how much it is to reduce environmental pollution.

If the amount of carbon emissions is low compared to sales, when it is incorporated into this index, the weight is given more, and if the amount of carbon is high, the weight is given less.

For example, if you make a pair of sneakers, you usually think about 12 kg of carbon dioxide is released.

It means that 12 kg of carbon dioxide in the air must be expelled to create a pair of sneakers. If there is a company that has reduced this to about 6 kg, the Green New Deal will receive a greater weight than competitors of similar size.

260 companies from KOSPI and 223 companies from KOSDAQ were included in this index.

The top stocks in our stock market are actually pretty much in.

It's just that, because it's just a starting point, big companies with carbon emission information usually just put it in to make them more concerned about the environment in the future.

The index returns are about 3 percentage points higher than the KOSPI average.

Since most of the large companies have entered, it is actually a natural result, and it can be said that it is just an index of big companies.

However, as the number of funds managed based on this index increases in the future, companies will try to get more weight.


If you get a good report card by gathering like this, you can invest more, but it seems like that, if you put more weight on the environment, you can see more different benefits in different places.



And that's why it becomes increasingly important to accurately calculate the environmental impact a business has on its overall operations.

The factory you see now recycles discarded car seats and airbags to make fabric for miscellaneous goods such as bags and wallets.

Originally, when making leather products, a lot of wastewater is produced in the process of washing or dyeing the fabric, and it takes a lot of energy to purify and dispose of it according to the standards set by the country.

But here, the roof itself is made into a solar panel roof, and it collects rainwater, purifies the rainwater with that solar energy, and uses it.

So there is no skinning of new animals, but no new water or fossil fuel energy is used in the process.

Detergents are also made from natural ingredients.

There is a growing awareness that the overall environmental level of the entire process must be considered.

For example, plastics are recycled to make new clothes, and the pollutants and energy used in the process are more than just a company that makes clothes with new synthetic fibers. If there is such a company, it is true that the former company is less eco-friendly. It can also be seen.

Accurately identifying, calculating, and disclosing environmental factors throughout the process will become increasingly important for companies to be evaluated in the future and to receive support and so on.

Therefore, it seems that standards that companies can refer to should be made more precisely.

[CEO Lee-Hyun Choi/Moredan: How environmentally friendly was the process of making, how eco-friendly the electric energy needed there, and how eco-friendly water was used...

I thought a lot about it.]

<Anchor> Even

so, as candidate Biden won the US presidential election, will this eco-friendly industry and eco-friendliness become more important than ever?



The new administration of the United States, the country with the strongest breath in the world's trade order, is very interested in the environment.

[Joe Biden/U.S. President-elect: Oil should be gradually replaced by renewable energy.

We will stop supporting the oil industry.

The future is ultimately about being able to breathe properly, and (eco-friendly energy) will deliver that future while providing quality jobs.] The

Biden administration took office as soon as President Trump took office from the Paris Climate Change Convention, where President Trump withdrew from it. You have professed to join again.

It is also predicted that eco-friendly companies could be placed in a more favorable condition for trade with the United States, and that the atmosphere will be like this.

The Biden administration is saying that it will invest 2,200 trillion won in eco-friendly energy and gradually eliminate oil and coal.

To keep up with this, we too need to be concerned about introducing a more environmentally friendly process overall.

With the government's announcement of the Green New Deal plan, interest in eco-friendliness has increased, and since the US presidential election, that atmosphere is growing faster.