Business transformation with digital technology To consider reducing corporate tax for companies that have introduced it November 14, 6:10

The government and the ruling party have begun to make adjustments to boost investment by establishing new measures to reduce corporate tax of companies that introduce DX = digital transformation that will transform operations with digital technology in the tax reform next year. ..

As the spread of the new coronavirus has made it an issue for companies to respond to digitalization, the government is considering support measures for companies that are promoting "DX" that transforms their operations with digital technology.

As part of this, the government and the ruling party have begun to make adjustments to reduce corporate tax when companies make DX-related investments in the tax reform next year.

For example, it is envisioned that a supermarket will invest in a system that streamlines operations by switching to a cloud service and automating its own system that arranges inventory management, ordering to food companies, delivery, etc. ..

In addition, the target of support is mainly mid-sized companies, and the government and the ruling party will continue to support investment by squeezing detailed conditions for application and specific details of mitigation measures.