Internet celebrity "health" products are selling well, Beijing Institute of Nutritional Sources experiment proves otherwise

  "Desugared rice cooker" reduces sugar by 70%?

Actually no difference

  With the popularity of the concept of "anti-sugar", many people choose a low-sugar diet in their daily lives.

Recently, de-sugar rice cooker products have attracted the attention of many people.

Many businesses claim that rice cookers use techniques such as rice soup separation to reduce the amount of sugar in rice, thereby helping to healthy eating.

Some businesses claim that rice cookers can even reduce reducing sugar by 70%.

Does "de-sugar rice cooker" really have such an effect?

Recently, according to CCTV, the reporter carried an electric rice cooker to conduct an experiment. The conclusion showed that there is no difference in blood sugar between ordinary rice cooker and de-sugar rice cooker.

  In July this year, the Consumer Council of Guangdong Province issued a consumer reminder that most of the “low-sugar” rice cooker samples have a certain functional effect of “reducing the sugar content of rice”, but it is not the same as eating “low-sugar” rice directly. Human blood sugar content.

The publicity also has problems such as unclear functional indicators and reference targets for such products, and inconsistencies between the declared effects of most samples and the test results.


  Desugared rice cooker hot sale

  Merchants claim that it can reduce sugar by 70%

  Recently, products such as "de-sugar rice cookers" and "low-sugar rice cookers" have been selling well online.

Merchants said that these rice cookers can reduce the sugar content of rice and achieve "health preservation" and health benefits.

  On October 30, a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily found that different types of sugar-free rice cookers have different prices, with a low price of more than 200 yuan and a high price of more than 1,900 yuan.

There are a variety of rice cookers with monthly sales of more than 1,000 units, and some rice cookers have recently ordered more than 9,000 copies.

  The promotional pages of multiple de-sugar rice cookers show that this type of rice cooker uses the method of separating rice soup to achieve the effect of reducing sugar.

For example, a product promotion said that after a high fire, the rice grains will dissolve some starch. After repeated washing, the dissolved starch is filtered out, the rice soup is separated, and the rice is steamed at a constant temperature.

  Some merchant customer service said that the self-produced de-sugar rice cooker can remove 30% of starch, and there are professional models that can remove 50% of starch. “It can effectively control the increase in blood sugar and maintain a healthy lifestyle with low sugar.” One sent from the merchant. The test report showed that the total sugar content of low-sugar rice was 0.15g/100g, and that of ordinary rice was 0.34g/100g.

At the same time, the customer service said that some merchants on the market claim that the starch removal rate of rice cookers is 70%, which is unlikely.

  The customer service staff of another store said that their rice cookers can "desugar" 71%, but the customer service said that there is no test report for the time being and it supports offline testing.

  A reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily noted that several customer service personnel stated that low-sugar rice cookers cannot replace medicines, nor can they be used to treat diseases. Patients with high blood sugar are not recommended to eat rice openly.

  Explore the cause

  Authoritative research conducted experiments

  There is actually no difference in blood sugar

  Does the de-sugar rice cooker have magical effects?

Recently, a CCTV reporter bought a "smart sugar-lowering cooker" and brought it to the Beijing Institute of Nutritional Sources for experiments.

According to the news of the CCTV news client, experts refer to the latest industry standard "Methods for the determination of food glycemic index" issued by my country at the end of 2019, and "double-blind" the changes in human blood sugar after eating the rice steamed from the sugar-free rice cooker and the ordinary rice cooker. Determination.

  In the experiment, the same brand and quantity of rice, as well as the same amount of water, were made into rice in an ordinary rice cooker and a "smart sugar-reducing cooker".

Twelve healthy volunteers participated in the experiment and performed two fasting blood glucose tests. At the same time, men and women were divided into two groups. One group ate ordinary rice and the other group ate "desugared rice", each consuming 150 grams.

  Within two hours after the meal, another 6 time points were selected to take blood from the volunteers' veins to test their blood sugar levels.

By comprehensively measuring the postprandial blood glucose data of each volunteer, two human blood glucose curves were obtained.

  Chang Jingyi, a member of the "Source News" expert database of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, and the technical leader of the GI Test Center of the Beijing Institute of Nutritional Sources, introduced that the highest vertex of ordinary rice cookers is 8.79, and the highest vertex of de-sugar rice cookers is 8.56, but in fact There is no significant difference in statistical significance.

"After the rice steamed by the two rice cookers enters the human body, there is actually no difference in the blood sugar formed." That is, the same amount of rice is absorbed by the human body and converted into almost the same amount of blood sugar. When it comes to the effect of "desugaring" rice, some sellers claim that the sugar reduction rate is 70%.

  Chang Jing said that there are 90% carbohydrates in rice, 75% of which are starch. After water dissolution, some starch may enter the water, but the amount will be small and not enough to affect it (blood sugar).

  A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily found that Hangzhou "Dad Evaluation" had done an evaluation of sugar-free rice cookers. According to the news released by the "Dad Evaluation" public account on December 4, 2019, they found 12 healthy adults. The blood glucose was measured twice on an empty stomach, and 50g of carbohydrate-containing food or 50g of glucose was eaten. After 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes, blood was collected from the fingertips 6 times to determine the blood glucose concentration.

The evaluation showed that the blood sugar did rise slowly after eating de-sweetened white rice, and then it decreased slowly.

In addition, according to the calculated glycemic index (GI value), the GI of sugar-free white rice is two points higher than that of ordinary white rice.


  Don’t eat “low sugar” rice

  As the main way to lower blood sugar

  A reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Consumer Rights Protection Website of the Consumer Council of Guangdong Province that in July this year, the Consumer Council of Guangdong Province issued consumer tips for "low-sugar" rice cookers.

According to the Consumer Council, the questionnaire survey showed that among 137 respondents, 85.4% had never used “low-sugar” rice cooker products, but 66.43% were optimistic about the market prospects, and 76.64% of the respondents value cooked rice Whether it is delicious or not, 95.62% of the respondents are willing to try the product under the premise of determining the effect of the product.

  From March to July this year, the Consumer Council of Guangdong Province, in conjunction with the Consumer Council of Foshan City, commissioned a third-party testing agency to carry out a comparative test of "low-sugar" rice cooker products.

From the comparative test results, in terms of functional effects, compared with ordinary rice, the reducing sugar content of rice cooked at low sugar levels in 18 of the 20 samples is reduced to varying degrees, while the resistant starch content is increased to varying degrees. Most of the "low sugar" rice cooker samples have a certain effect of "reducing sugar content in rice".

However, it is worth noting that the test did not involve the changes in blood sugar after consumers actually consumed the rice cooked in the “low-sugar” rice cooker, that is, although the “low-sugar” rice cooker can reduce the reducing sugar content of the rice to varying degrees, Increasing the content of resistant starch is not the same as eating "low-sugar" rice, which directly reduces blood sugar levels.

The Consumer Council reminds that the consumption of "low-sugar" rice cannot be used as the main way to lower blood sugar, and especially cannot replace the effects of related drugs.

  At the same time, the Consumer Council stated that this comparative test found that the low-sugar rice cooker's promotion of "hyperglycemic" function is prone to misleading, causing consumers to mistakenly believe that the product has a "hyperglycemic" function.

At the same time, the publicity also has problems such as unclear functional indicators and reference targets for such products, and inconsistencies between the declared effects of most samples and the test results.

Therefore, consumers should take a correct view of product advertising, and before buying, guide buyers to ask if there is a technical appraisal report for the product's functional effects. If the product's claimed hypoglycemic rate is as high as 60%, there is no appraisal report from a third-party testing agency. Or certificate for technical support, it is recommended to purchase carefully.

If the product claims to reduce the starch rate, there is little correlation with the actual core indicators of the sugar-lowering effect, and it is also recommended to carefully consider buying.

  The Consumer Council reminds that consumers must check whether the products they buy have the "CCC" certification mark, product instructions and warranty cards before purchasing "low-sugar" rice cookers.

The Consumer Council stated that since the "low-sugar" rice cooker is a new type of functional electrical product and the industry is still developing, it is recommended that consumers pay more attention to and understand information about industry development and product quality before purchasing.

At the same time, in order to avoid buying inferior products and difficulty in defending rights in the later period, try to buy them through formal channels.

When buying, pay attention to product quality and user experience, and do not one-sided pursuit of low prices.


  Sugar-lowering rice cooker only reduces simple sugar

  But it is also easy to cause vitamin loss

  Regarding the effect of sugar-free rice cookers, on October 30, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily consulted Gu Zhongyi, director of the Beijing Dietitians Association.

Gu Zhongyi introduced that this kind of rice cooker does not have carbohydrates in the rice after use, nor does it have any easy-to-absorb simple sugars. It just reduces some simple sugars, and some of the starch is not converted by amylase. Decomposed resistant starch.

According to the experiment conducted by the Consumer Council of Guangdong Province, the content of reducing sugar has been reduced to varying degrees, while the content of resistant starch has increased to varying degrees, so it can be done in terms of ingredient content.

  Gu Zhongyi said that although it is useful in theory, it also depends on the impact.

Relevant clinical trials believe that ingesting 50 grams of resistant starch within 24 hours may reduce the postprandial insulin response, or that resistant starch accounts for more than 14% of the starch and has a significant effect.

Different products have different effects, so it is not good to generalize.

From previous studies on rice treatment, it is possible that after a certain treatment to increase resistant starch, the glycemic index of rice will drop from 90 to 50, and it is possible to increase the proportion of resistant starch in the total starch to more than 40%.

  Many rice cookers use the method of separating rice soup to reduce the sugar content, but Gu Zhongyi said that it is not a pity to wash off the starch, but the aleurone layer will have some polyphenols, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, etc., especially vitamins. B is easy to lose.

If you still want to use this rice cooker for a long time, it is recommended to take a multi-vitamin mineral supplement, or vitamin B family.

  For some people with high blood sugar or people who want to control sugar, Gu Zhongyi suggested that taking into account everyone's acceptance and eating habits, in fact, if you eat two or two rice for a meal, there will be no serious consequences.

If possible, brown rice can be used instead of white rice, or it is a good choice to match with miscellaneous grains or whole grains.

  Text/Reporter Guo Linlin Coordinator/Jiang Shuo