The sugar-free rice cooker is on fire!

It is claimed to reduce the sugar of rice by 70%!

Is it really reliable?

The results of the experiment are astonishing...

  Recently, the sugar-free rice cooker has become an Internet celebrity product.

It is said that steaming rice with it can effectively reduce the sugar content in rice by 70%. Even if you eat two large bowls, it is not as sugary as a bowl of rice steamed with an ordinary rice cooker.

Rice cookers are very popular on major e-commerce platforms, and the sales volume is easily increased by 100,000.

So, how does this "de-sugar rice cooker" reduce sugar in rice?

Desugared rice cooker is popular online, claiming to reduce the sugar of rice by 70%

  According to the seller, different from the solid inner pot of ordinary rice cookers, the bottom of the desugared rice cooker is full of leaking holes, and a box for collecting rice soup is added below.

Ordinary rice cooker steamed rice is to boil the rice with water, and the rice will be cooked when the water is dry.

When the de-sugar rice cooker steams the rice to half-cooked, it will use the so-called "siphon method" and "wave steaming method" to filter out the rice soup in the pot, and then steam the remaining rice.

It's a bit like a way of making rice, using the filtered rice soup to take away most of the starch, that is, sugar in the rice.

  Beijing citizens: I think it should be useful.

  Beijing citizens: I think there is a certain scientific basis for washing out the sugar in the rice.

  Beijing citizens: It's not reliable. Rice can be converted into maltose, which directly raises blood sugar. How can it lower blood pressure and blood sugar?

  Citizens of Beijing: It's not very reliable. Things that sound so amazing are generally not very reliable. Many people who take medicine can't lower their blood sugar. Why can it be lowered with a single pot?

Experiments have proved that the "de-sugar" version has no difference in sugar rise compared with ordinary rice cookers

  It seems that everyone still has doubts about this "net celebrity" product. In order to verify this "magic" effect, the reporter bought a sugar-free rice cooker and came to the Beijing Institute of Nutritional Resources.

Here, experts refer to the latest industry standard "Methods for the determination of food glycemic index" issued by my country at the end of 2019, and conducted a "double-difference" on the changes in human blood sugar after eating the rice steamed from the de-sugar rice cooker and the ordinary rice cooker. Blind" determination.

What are the results of the experiment?

  In the experiment, experts used ordinary rice cookers and the "smart sugar-reducing cooker" purchased by reporters to make rice with the same brand and the same weight of rice and the same amount of water.

Then 12 healthy volunteers, male and female, were divided into two groups. One group ate ordinary rice and the other group ate so-called de-sweetened rice. Each person ate 150 grams, which is what is usually called a serving of 32 rice.

  Prior to this, the volunteers had performed two fasting blood glucose tests.

And within two hours after the meal, 6 time points were selected for intravenous blood collection one by one, and the blood glucose content in the serum was detected.

According to experts, compared with fingertip blood collection, the blood glucose index measured by intravenous blood collection will be more stable.

By comprehensively measuring the postprandial blood glucose data of each volunteer, two human blood glucose curves were finally obtained.

  Chang Jingyi, technical leader of the GI Test Center of Beijing Institute of Nutritional Sources: Although the two curves seem to be different, the highest vertex of rice in ordinary rice cookers is 8.79, and the highest vertex of rice in de-sweetened rice cookers is 8.56, but they are actually counting There is no significant difference in the scientific sense.

Therefore, after the steamed rice from the two rice cookers enters the human body, there is actually no difference in blood sugar formed.

  In other words, the same 3 taels of rice are converted into almost the same amount of blood sugar after being absorbed by the body.

The so-called de-sugar rice cooker does not have the effect of "de-sugar"ing rice, and the 70% sugar reduction rate claimed by some sellers is even more out of the question.

  Chang Jingyi, technical director of the GI Test Center of the Beijing Institute of Nutritional Sources: There are 90% carbohydrates in rice, 75% of which are starch, so after such water solubility, some starch may enter the water, but The amount will be small and not enough to affect blood sugar.