Monthly Economic Report Representation of overall economic judgment Deferred for 3 consecutive months October 23, 17:54

In this month's monthly economic report, the government revised upwards from previous judgments that personal consumption is "recovering" due to the effects of Go To Travel, but the judgment of the economy as a whole is "severe, but it is picking up." The expression "I can see the movement of" has been left unchanged for three consecutive months.

The government compiled this month's monthly economic report at a meeting of relevant ministers on the 23rd.

According to this,

▽ "Personal consumption" has been "recovered" by deleting the phrase "some are stalled" from the previous expressions, saying that the demand for travel is recovering due to the effect of Go To Travel. It has been revised upward to the judgment that "is."

▽ "Import" has been revised downward from "generally flat" to "weak" because the pace of increase in personal computers has slowed down due to the spread of telework.

Other items were

▽ "exports" "recovering",

▽ "corporate production"

"moving to

pick up", while

▽ "capital investment" "weak movement" In

each case, the judgment so far has been left unchanged.

Based on these, we have left the conventional judgment that the domestic economy as a whole is in a difficult situation, but there are signs of recovery.

Judgments on the domestic economy as a whole have been revised upward for two consecutive months until July, but since August this has been deferred for three consecutive months, and the situation continues to lack momentum for recovery. ..