Mobile Phone Charge Service Expectations for Expanding Choices Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takeda October 16 12:20

Regarding mobile phone charges, when mobile major Softbank is considering introducing a plan with a large capacity of less than 5,000 yen per month, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Takeda said, "It is good that attractive charge service options are widely considered. It will lead to "," he said, and expressed his hope that users will be able to choose a plan that suits their usage.

Regarding mobile phone charges, major mobile phone SoftBank is considering introducing a plan with a large capacity of less than 5,000 yen per month.

Regarding this, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Takeda said at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting, "Since the official rate plan has not been announced yet, I will refrain from commenting on individual plans, but the large-capacity rate is at a higher level than in major countries. Is exactly what the numbers represent. "

On top of that, Minister Takeda said, "I think it would be good if attractive rate service options were widely considered. Also, for low-capacity plans, cheap smartphone operators are steadily offering cheap rate plan options. So, I would like to look forward to it in the future. "He said, he hoped that the mobile phone companies would be able to choose the plan that suits their usage by offering various plans.