To protect the intellectual property of small and medium-sized enterprises To formulate guidelines Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry September 24, 21:44

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has set guidelines for optimizing intellectual property transactions in order to eliminate problems related to intellectual property such as diversion of technology of small and medium-sized enterprises by using the superior position of large companies in transactions. I decided to make it for the first time.

As the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of intellectual property such as product blueprints and know-how increases, large companies can take advantage of their trading advantage to divert the technology of small and medium-sized companies or leak information to third parties. Trouble such as spilling is a problem.

For this reason, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry was the first to create guidelines for optimizing intellectual property transactions, and compiled the draft.

According to it, when a large company and a small business make a transaction, a confidentiality agreement should be signed so that the confidential information of the small business is not leaked to a third party.

In addition, when outsourcing manufacturing, we must not force the provision of blueprints and technical data beyond that range, and if we use such know-how, we must pay compensation.

Furthermore, in order to reduce the burden on SMEs regarding contracts, etc., we will also provide a template for contracts related to intellectual property transactions.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry after having heard the opinion from experts about the draft, our policy is to formally determined as a guideline to the prospect of the next month.