, Guizhou Qinglong, September 19th, title: Guizhou Qinglong Xiaohuajiao turns into a "money tree", and the income of farmers who turn to green from rocky desert is increased

  Author Qu Honglun

  The reporter recently walked into the pepper plantation base in Qingshan Village, Chama Town, Qinglong County, Guizhou Province, and saw that farmers are busy plowing, fertilizing, and mulching the pepper trees, hoping for a good harvest in the coming year.

  "I have been planting peppercorns since October 2019, and the income from growing peppercorns is much better than growing crops." Zheng Qing, a villager working in the base, told reporters that there is 80 yuan (RMB, the same below) for managing and protecting the pepper base every day. )'S income and time are relatively free, able to take care of the family.

The picture shows villagers in Qingshan Village, Chama Town, manage and protect the pepper planting base.

Photo by Qu Honglun

  Qinglong County is a national key county for poverty alleviation and development and a deeply impoverished county in Guizhou Province. It has serious rocky desertification and engineering water shortages, weak infrastructure, and only 1.77 mu of arable land per capita. It has a wide range of poverty, deep poverty and a large number of poor people.

In 2020, Qinglong County plans to develop the pepper industry in 26 villages in 8 towns (sub-districts), planting 100,000 mu.

  As one of the industries for the treatment of rocky desertification in Qinglong County, the pepper base in Chama Town is under planning.

The town combines the wishes of villagers, stony desertification control and county-level industrial layout, relying on climate advantages, plans to plant 22,000 mu of pepper on the rocky desertification hills.

  "Our town has a subtropical temperate climate, and the climatic conditions are suitable for the growth of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Zanthoxylum bungeanum has a well-developed root system, good water retention, and high output value. Zanthoxylum bungeanum can not only green the rocky desert mountains, but also make the villagers' money bags bulge. Secretary Tian Zhijing introduced.

  In order to develop the Zanthoxylum bungeanum industry, Chama Town has created a pattern management and grid promotion model. The town uses 169 Zanthoxylum plots as a grid and 12 villages as a grid group. More than 700 industrial workers and Administrators and cadres.

  "Although the prickly ash has not been planted for a long time, and the fruit has not yet grown, they can see the hope of increasing income." Zheng Qing said.

The picture shows the pepper planted in the pepper planting base of Qingshan Village, Chama Town, Qinglong County.

Photo by Qu Honglun

  Gu Youqing, the first secretary of the Qinglong County Justice Bureau stationed in Qingshan Village, said that in Qingshan Village as an example, from planting to fertilization, more than 15,000 people have been provided for migrant workers, more than 1.2 million yuan has been paid for migrant workers, and the income of more than 200 farmers has increased. Above 6000 yuan.

At the same time, the pepper industry base can provide 98 fixed jobs. Based on the calculation of 30 mu of pepper per person, 98 people can be employed to manage the pepper land.

The pepper industry has effectively solved the problem of increasing income of the weak labor force in Qingshan Village.

  According to Tian Zhijing, at present, 18,000 mu of pepper trees have been planted in Chama Town. According to the organization method of "company + village collective + cooperative + farmer households", technical training, on-site guidance and demonstration, and construction of demonstration bases are used to accelerate the progress of industrial implementation. .

And by grasping the details, grasping the process, high standards, and demonstrating, let the pepper trees be planted to ensure survival and become a "money cow".

  By the end of December 2020, Qinglong County is expected to complete the planting plan of 100,000 acres of pepper trees, which can drive the income of more than 6,600 poor farmers to more than 23,300.
