[Explanation] In the fields of Wenmiao Street, Ningyang County, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, the endless wormwood swayed in the wind, and the refreshing wormwood permeated everywhere. Thousands of acres of wormwood were planted in contiguous areas, which helped local villagers increase their income. "Love the grass".

The villagers cannot do without one person for making money from wormwood, and that is Zhang Xianfeng, the person in charge of the 1,000-mu wormwood planting base.

  [Commentary] On September 17, the reporter met Zhang Xianfeng at the wormwood planting base, and he was carefully cleaning the weeds beside the wormwood.

Zhang Xianfeng said that he was originally an ordinary farmer who grew corn and wheat.

One year ago, by chance, he learned that people's demand for wormwood was increasing, so he visited a number of places where wormwood was planted to learn about wormwood planting experience.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Xianfeng, a wormwood grower

  Wormwood has a very high utilization value. It is full of treasures. Mugwort leaves can be used for making tea and moxa pillars. The moxa produced can also be used as moxa quilts.

We went to Qingdao, Weifang, and Anyang in Henan Province for a round of inspections and demonstrations. We felt that wormwood had a relatively high use value and the market was still broader, which was much better than the economic benefits of growing corn and wheat.

  [Explanation] At the end of 2019, with the help of the rural revitalization service team of Painingyang County, Shandong Province, more than 1,000 acres of land were transferred to plant wormwood. Zhang Xianfeng became the only one in Shandong Province that continuously planted 1,000 acres of wormwood. people.

After the wormwood planting base was established, a large area of ​​wormwood grew rapidly. At this time, the biggest problem facing Zhang Xianfeng was how to remove the vicious weeds that affected the growth of wormwood.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Xianfeng, a wormwood grower

  After visiting any place, there is no herbicide that specifically removes wormwood weeds. We have consulted many experts on this, and we have done many experiments ourselves. We have done more than a dozen times, and the success rate of weed removal is 7%. Eighty.

  [Explanation] Although the problem of removing the malignant weeds has been solved, Zhang Xianfeng insists on going to the wormwood in the wormwood every day regardless of wind or rain, for fear of a slight omission.

Through Zhang Xianfeng's careful care, 1,000 mu of wormwood was harvested in the first half of this year. The first crop yielded 90 tons, and the market was in short supply.

Zhang Xianfeng said that the reason why the first crop of wormwood was so popular is inseparable from the local natural conditions.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Xianfeng, a wormwood grower

  The grown wormwood has a lot of velvet and a pure taste, and the tea tastes relatively pure.

Why? The four seasons of the year in Ningyang are quite distinct, the rain is abundant, and the quality of the products produced is better.

  [Explanation] Nowadays, wormwood planting has brought considerable economic benefits and also provided employment opportunities for surrounding villagers and poor households.

Many villagers nearby have transferred their land, and many middle-aged and elderly women stay at home.

After Zhang Xianfeng learned about this situation, he took the initiative to find the villagers and provide them with employment opportunities, without having to travel far to get a monthly income of more than 2,000 yuan.

At present, more than 60 low-income households in nearby villages have found employment in the base, and at the same time, more than a dozen villagers have begun small-scale planting of wormwood.

  [Concurrent] Qiu Yuxiang, a villager in Zhangzhuang Village, Ningyang County, Tai'an City

  For this work, I have change in my hand, so I don’t need to ask the children.

  [Concurrent] Ma Zhenfeng, a villager in Zhangzhuang Village, Ningyang County, Tai'an City

  I didn’t order it when I was farming, but now it’s a bit, just like commuting to get off work, so comfortable.

  [Explanation] In the future, Zhang Xianfeng plans to build a processing plant to introduce processing machines, explore a variety of innovative products such as moxa, moxa, moxa, and wormwood essential oils that have doubled economic benefits, and create a complete and rich wormwood product line to drive More farmers increase their income and become rich.

  (Reported by Yang Fei and Zhang Kang, Shandong Tai'an)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】