
Recently, as credit loans have increased significantly and concerns have arisen, the financial authorities have been in jail.

First of all, banks are moving to reduce the loan limit for people with high creditworthiness and raise interest rates.

Reporter Yoo Deok-ki.


Lee Mo, who works at a large company, received close to 100 million won in credit loans on the 14th.

It is not necessary right away, but it is from the idea of ​​securing financial funds in advance when interest rates are low.

[Mr. Aunt/Officer: Due to circumstances, in real estate or stocks...

Now, after hearing that it is regulated against credit loans, I was afraid that I would not be able to receive loans.

.] By

August this year, the number of newly opened negative bankbooks at five major banks reached nearly 400,000, a 30% increase from a year ago, and last month's credit loans surged over 4 trillion won, the largest ever.

It is analyzed in the aftermath of the increased demand for living funds and the strengthening of mortgage regulations and the booming stock market.

Financial authorities recently held a meeting with key banking officials to order credit management.

The top five commercial banks are considering ways to lower the limit or raise interest rates, especially for high-credit and high-income workers.

This is because it is difficult to curb the'living fund' credit loans of the common people in the economic crisis.

In fact, some banks preemptively reduced their preferential interest rate by 0.2%p.

As concerns over the regulation of credit loans grew, some office workers and self-employed people demanded to obtain loans before the limits and interest rate conditions worsened.

In fact, the credit balance of the five major commercial banks increased by more than KRW 340 billion during the past 15 days alone.

(Video editing: Kim Sun-tak, CG: Lee Jun-ho)