The recovery of the consumption trend index in the latter half of August is still stalled at 10:13 on September 15

The index, which looks at consumption trends in the latter half of last month, calculated based on credit card usage information, shows that although "Go To Travel," a measure to stimulate tourism demand, has begun, "travel" and "accommodation" have deteriorated, resulting in consumption. It turns out that the recovery is still at a standstill.

Nowcast, a data analysis company, and JCB, a major credit card company, publish an index that looks at consumption trends after protecting privacy based on card usage information.

The index from 16th to 31st of last month was -15.8% compared to the latter half of January before the spread of the infection.

The rate of decline has widened from the first half of last month, which was -12.5%, and the recovery in consumption is still stagnant.

Specifically, of "service consumption",

▽ "travel" was minus 52.7%,

▽ "restaurant" was minus 38.4%, and

▽ "accommodation" was minus 37%,

both worse than the first half of last month. I am.

In addition,

“entertainment” such as ▽ amusement parks also

decreased by

24.5%, and the rate of

decline is expanding again.

The company that conducted the survey said, "Although" Go To Travel, "a measure to stimulate tourism demand, started in July, there is no recovery in consumption for travel and accommodation, and the effect is limited. Service consumption may continue to be weak. "