Recently, the 2020 Fifth China Content Marketing Summit Forum was held in Beijing.

Photo by Wu Tao

  Chinanews client, Beijing, September 7th (Reporter Wu Tao) "In the long run, if you continue to use promotion, price cuts or gifts and other methods to do live broadcasts, it may have an impact on brand premiums."

  At the 2020 Fifth China Content Marketing Summit Forum held recently, Li Li, vice president of Weiboyi, talked about the logic of live streaming and planting (Internet buzzwords, sharing things or products with other people). He thinks , There are some chaos in the current live broadcast of goods, and improper operation will even "backlash" the brand.

  Li Li said that there is a lot of chaos in live streaming. At present, the sales of many live streaming products are less than half of the pit fee, and brands are losing money. In the second case, because of the epidemic, many brands have a large amount of inventory and sell them at very low discounts. Inventory, the price cannot be increased after the reduction; the third situation is that in some live broadcasts in the past, the logic of low prices is followed, but now that the low prices are purely low, the live broadcast may not have a good effect.

  "We have seen the dividends of live streaming, but many brands still don't understand how to eat it." As for how to solve the above situation, Li Li believes that this requires some assistance, such as short video planting grass.

  Li Li said that short video planting can enhance brand awareness and achieve long-term impact on consumers' minds. Many expert and high-influence people do such planting to better interpret the connotation of the brand and the selling point of the product.

  Li Li also analyzed that each short video platform has its own characteristics, and the way of planting grass on it is different. It must be adapted to local conditions.

For example, Kuaishou live broadcasts goods, the platform is "old iron" economy, you need to find "old iron", let him make recommendations, netizens are not buying products, it is a reward for "old iron".

  “Taobao’s full range of products can be broadcast live. Relatively speaking, it’s richer. However, in the Taobao live broadcast ecosystem, the head is currently very concentrated. However, Taobao live broadcast is also changing this situation and is now pushing Store live broadcasts will allow more businesses to enter the live broadcast track and get the dividends of Taobao live broadcasts."

  “On Douyin, it’s easier to create explosive models with some entertaining content; there are many circles in station B, and the culture of each circle is different. When planting grass, you must grasp the core and key figures in the circle for evaluation and content. Share; Xiaohongshu also has a lot of big influencers and celebrities, and they plant the grass."

  "On the one hand, we must seize the dividends of short video, and on the other hand, we must use live broadcast to cooperate, and then we can achieve the landing through the combination of planting and weeding. Seven points for short video planting and three points for live broadcast Weeding." Li Li said. (Finish)