"Digital currency" study group To full-scale examination work including demonstration experiment 21:24 on August 28

A "digital currency" that is exchanged through smartphones instead of bills and coins. Banks, telecommunications companies, railway companies, etc. have decided to go beyond the boundaries of the industry and proceed with full-scale examination work including demonstration experiments of digital currencies.

In addition to three major banks such as Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, NTT Group and KDDI, which are telecommunications companies, and JR East, etc., this June, "Dikalet", which operates a cryptocurrency = crypto asset exchange, and digital currency. We had a study session.

On the 28th, a press conference based on the discussions so far was held, and Mr. Hiromi Yamaoka, the former director of the Bank of Japan who chairs the study session, said that the type of digital currency is issued by the central bank and issued by the private sector They said that the study group would aim to issue the issue on a private-sector basis.

To that end, we will proceed with full-scale study work, including a demonstration experiment of digital currency.

The details of the field trial have not been finalized, but we are calling for participation in a wide range of experiments in addition to member companies of study groups such as finance, telecommunications, and railways, and we would like to proceed with initiatives across industry boundaries.