The "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Measures for the Recycling of Scrapped Motor Vehicles" recently jointly issued by the Ministry of Commerce and other seven departments will come into force on September 1. The recycling of scrapped motor vehicles will be implemented in terms of qualification and management, supervision and management, exit mechanisms, and legal responsibilities. Clearly stipulated.

  Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said that the new regulations are more comprehensive than before, and the division of responsibilities of each department is clearer, which will have a positive impact on my country's motor vehicle recycling work and promote the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

  In recent years, with the continuous increase in the number of motor vehicles in my country, how to scrap, recycle, and recycle motor vehicles has become a new focus of attention in the field of people's livelihood.

  Data show that as of June this year, the country's car ownership is 270 million, and theoretically scrapped vehicles are nearly 10 million a year. However, the number of vehicles recycled nationwide in 2019 was only 1.951 million, and the recycling rate was only 0.75%, which is far lower than the 3% to 5% car scrap recycling rate of European and American countries.

  Low income is the main reason why car owners have not been motivated to scrap their vehicles for a long time. The original management regulations stipulated that when a car is dismantled and scrapped, the disassembled high-value components such as the engine must be forced back into the furnace as scrap metal. However, many car owners still have illusions about the "value" of motor vehicles after they are scrapped, and many illegal recycling phenomena have emerged in the market.

  Zhang Ying, secretary-general of the Scrap Car Branch of China Renewable Resources Recycling Association, said that driven by interests, the “five assemblies” of scrap cars may return to the market during the illegal dismantling process. If they are illegally assembled and put on the road again, it will undoubtedly become a major driving safety issue. Hidden dangers. The "Detailed Rules" to be implemented confirm that the "five assemblies" of scrapped motor vehicles with recycling value are allowed to be sold to enterprises with remanufacturing capabilities for reuse, and the price of scrapped vehicle recycling is expected to increase.

  Li Wenhai, general manager of Guangzhou Ou Rui De Automobile Engine Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that the total weight of engine materials is about 250 kilograms. If they are sold as metallurgical materials, they can only be sold for a few hundred yuan. After remanufacturing, the cheapest finished product will cost two to three thousand. Yuan, some even exceed ten thousand yuan.

  In order to standardize the management of the recycling of end-of-life motor vehicles, the "Detailed Rules" also clarified that recycling and dismantling companies should establish a sales account for scrapped motor vehicle parts, truthfully record the number, model, and flow of the "five major assemblies", and enter it in the "National Automobile circulation information management application service" system. "The traceability of information management will become an important guarantee for regulating the recycling of scrapped cars." Zhang Ying said.

  According to Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the National Passenger Vehicle Market Information Joint Council, there are currently about 750 scrapped motor vehicle recycling and dismantling companies in my country, most of which are small in scale and limited in production capacity, which cannot meet market demand. The "Detailed Rules" removes the restriction on the number of scrapped motor vehicle recycling companies. With the implementation of the new regulations, scrap recycling companies and outlets will gradually increase in accordance with market demand and car ownership, and it will be more convenient for car owners to dispose of scrapped vehicles.

  In recent years, the number of motor vehicle recycling in my country has increased year by year. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, the number of motor vehicles recycled nationwide in 2019 was 2.295 million, a year-on-year increase of 15.3%; among them, 1.951 million were automobiles, a year-on-year increase of 16.8%. At present, many listed companies have deployed the field of car dismantling and scrapping. For example, Tus Environment's dismantling volume in 2019 is about 14,500 vehicles, and the annual processing scale of GEM scrapped vehicles is more than 300,000 vehicles. The industry believes that the car dismantling market is expected to reach 100 billion yuan in the future.

  Liu Jin