According to a report by the British Broadcasting Corporation on the 17th local time, a new survey showed that nearly 90% of the global companies regard mainland China as the top three purchasing destinations. This shows that China plays a very important role in the global supply chain. It may be the only economy to maintain growth this year.

  The BBC reported that the new crown pneumonia epidemic has had a huge impact on global trade, and it has also sounded the alarm. The global epidemic has brought a valuable lesson for companies: always relying on a single country is very disadvantageous for companies. However, a recent survey by the global supply chain management company QIMA shows that although Sino-US relations continue to be tense and the new crown epidemic is still spreading, global companies (including US companies) are increasingly dependent on the Chinese market. 87% of the companies surveyed said that although they would diversify their supplier channels, mainland China is still the top three purchasing destinations of choice.

  The report pointed out that the survey results show that China plays an extremely important role in the global supply chain and has a profound impact on global trade.

  Steven Lynch, CEO of the British Chinese Chamber of Commerce, said: "China's response to the new crown epidemic is different from other countries. One thing it does is to reassure everyone and give companies the confidence to reopen."

  Lynch pointed out that for companies with supply chains and manufacturing operations in China, the Chinese government will soon provide them with tax incentives and policy support to ensure their investment security.

  The article also emphasized that when other countries cut spending due to the epidemic, China's demand for high-tech products is still growing.

  He Chunsheng, founder of Advantech, a Taiwanese company with the world's number one industrial computer market share, said that the Chinese mainland market accounts for a quarter of the company's global business. The mainland is currently expanding its 5G and high-speed rail transit infrastructure on a considerable scale. This is not only beneficial to Advantech, but also full of business opportunities for many European companies.

  The article finally pointed out that China has gradually transitioned from its role as a global supplier to the world's most important customer. China is expected to become the only economy that maintains growth this year. In the past few decades, China has defined global trade, and this will not change in the short term. (Headquarters reporter Liang Tao)